Chapter 1: Prologue - The search

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Note: The story takes place after Estarosa and most of the ten commandments were defeated by the seven deadly sins. The manga arcs afterwards have not taken place before this story but some reference to them will be mentioned at a later point.


The seal

Inside a strange sewer like place stood a cage, within that cage were two separate seals, one to open the cage and one to grant freedom of its inhabitants. Inside sat a giant red fox with nine tails, the creature responsible for so many deaths of a village.

Now as the malevolent creature sat there and waited until he heard an unearthly disturbance. As he looked outside his cage, he was greeted with the sight of a blond boy with whiskers marks. This was Naruto Uzumaki.

"So, my container decided to visit me, to what do I owe the pleasure?" The fox asked sarcastically.

"I am going to remove the first seal." He said plainly without looking up and slowly moving towards the cage.

"Finally gave in? Yes, release me and grant me the chance to rip those villagers apart!" The fox commanded only to be ignored with silence.

"I'm not freeing you. I'm freeing your real self." He said slowly ripping away the seal as a light appeared. "And the only way to do that is to defeat you." He said determined.

"A ningen, like you? You cannot defeat me! I am the nine tailed fox, the strongest Bijuu and demon lord!" The fox boasted.

Naruto's face turned into a scowl as a dark tattoo made of darkness appeared over his like a scar. "Trust me you are no demon and you weren't a Bijuu before." He said.

"What is this stupidity you are spewing?" The fox asked.

"Kurama the nine tailed fox died centuries ago and he forced you to take his power in hopes of being reborn. Sadly, what he didn't know that only his behavior was reborn but you are still trapped in that form." Naruto explained as more shapes formed around his face from the darkness.

"I've had enough of your annoying voice!" The fox shouted swinging his tails at Naruto only for the boy to jump and hit him in the face directly. "You insolent little..." The fox was interrupted as several Naruto began to strike him with green blades weapons with jagged edges.

(Seven Deadly Sin OST - Big Tsumi Tsumi)

"This is a sacred treasure; you would recognize this if you were yourself and not stuck thinking your Kurama." Naruto said coldly as the copies began to slash around the tailed beast's body making it howl in pain.

The fox growled in anger and started smashing his tails against the clones in hopes of killing the real Naruto. All four popped but he lost sight of his real container. Without realizing it, he noticed a yellow blur as it sent his face crashing into the sewer water. The fox was annoyed and was ready to annihilate his utter annoyance.

"I'm done playing your games you stupid ningen!" the fox shouted as he charged up his chakra and started forming a giant sphere of energy, the bijuudama, the inspiration for Minato Namikaze's Rasengan. The bijuudama finished and was fired at Naruto who just stood there flaring his curse mark as he prepared for the blast as he held out a short broadsword.

"Full... COUNTER!" he shouted as he held the short sword in a defensive position and was being pushed back by the power of the bijuudama. The fox smirked thinking Naruto was prolonging the inevitable only to see that the bomb has stopped in its tracks and slowly grew. The tailed beast's power soon grew and unexpectedly moved backwards very slowly. After a minute, the bijuudama moved faster and faster and eventually moved faster than when it was shot.

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