Chapter 15 - Preparations

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Morning, Liones Mansion

Merlin was the first one to wake up, she covered her eyes as the sun got in her face prompting her to use her magic to close the covers. Merlin yawned and tried to get up only to feel a pair of arms holding her waste. She looked to see her boyfriend was the one keeping her restrained this time. She adjusted her body to wrap her arm around Naruto before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Wake up my little dragon, your beautiful boar needs you to make her breakfast." she whispered in his ear making him moan.

"Sleep is good for you, let's skip breakfast." Merlin frowned.

"Aw, no breakfast? But your hime's tummy is rumbling." she whispered in a sad voice.

Naruto suddenly opened his eyes and saw Merlin make some puppy eyes, "I'm up, I'm up!" he said quickly getting up and getting dressed.

Merlin chuckled to herself at how easy it was to manipulate him, "Carry me." she said extending her arms.

Naruto sighed knowing she was going to pout and he couldn't handle seeing her sad face, "I do this because I like seeing you happy." he said lifting her up, "Aren't you going to change first?" he asked making her chuckle.

Merlin snapped her fingers and her body was engulfed in a bright light before revealing her cape and boots, "Is this a problem sweetheart?" she asked.

Naruto managed to hide his blush, "No hime, as long as you're comfortable then I'm ok with it." Merlin chuckled before kissing him on the cheek.

"That's what I love about you my little dragon, always putting others before yourself." Merlin complemented while resting her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too hime and it's cute how you always beat around the bush just to say the same." Naruto said leaving the room making Merlin blush.

'He knows how I feel yet I'm still too much of a chicken to say it out loud.' Merlin thought.

Konoha supreme court

It was an early morning for the trial and for security reasons Orochimaru's trial went first and was kept heavily guarded by seals and many ANBU preventing any attempt of escape or attack within the village walls. After a long process and with Orochimaru refusing to deny anything and answered all his questions honestly along with hinting out the fact there are traitors within the village. Sarutobi was able to rule that Orochimaru was guilty of all his crimes and would try to have a Yamanaka cleanse his mind of all valuable information within Oto before executing him the next day.

Thus Orochimaru was wheeled out due to him being covered in heavy restraints and kept safe from the public and hokage from harm's way. No one noticed a certain bandaged man scowling as he quickly disappeared within the shadows as the treacherous sannin was wheeled away. Sarutobi sighed knowing a lot of commotion will be brought up knowing the village will face heavy conflict facing Oto now that their leader has been captured.

He looked out the window and could only pray for the best.

Training grounds after breakfast

Merlin gave Naruto a goodbye kiss before dragging Escanor so she could use him as a guinea pig once again. Naruto decided to check up on Zeal outside to continue more of his training. He was correct as he saw the boy and a couple of clones trying to do the tree walking exercise before Naruto was noticed.

"Mr. Naruto! Are you here to help with my training?" Zeal asked feeling excited.

"Sure am, hey Zeal why don't you grab your sister so I can talk to you both for a second." Zeal nodded and went off to drag Guila back to Naruto.

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