Chapter 18 - A Hollow Victory

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The New Goddess Realm, earlier before the invasion

Gamabunta, Katsuyu, and Manda all appeared in front of the massive court guarded by many wingless Goddess clan members large brute like halflings guarding the crowd who attended the case.

(Note: I kind of found it a pain to use bold for summons since I never did with any Goddess clan members, so not gonna do that here.)

"Manda what the hell are you doing here?" Gamabunta asked the snake.

"That idiot Orochimaru summoned me only for these flying ningen to wrap their chains around me and drag me away. I tried to poof away and summon more of my kin, but they were trapped as well." Manda explained.

"Same here, I can't seem to head back to Mt. Myoboku. How was your luck Katsuyu?" he asked.

"What do you think?" Katsuyu asked pointing out the obvious.

"I see." Gamabunta said getting sweat drops from the other two.

"All rise for the honorable elders and council!" Called a rather tall man with a golden chestplate and helmet similar to that of a spartan.

The three boss summons looked to see Jenna, Zaneri, Judah, and four others taking their seats high above making it difficult for some of the spectators to see them. These four were other members of the council besides Judah who was in charge of the summoning in and out of the realm. The next one was Adriel, a tall male with long black hair and wearing a white robe, he was in charge of the scholars of the realm. Next to him was Abigail, a woman wearing a hood and cloak, she was in charge in of the laws and equality among the inhabitants of the realm After her was Lucy, a blond woman with red eyes who wore a victorian an oak colored style dress, she was in charge of the sealing arts and studies of combat despite how she looks. Finally there was Donovan, a grey haired man with the a young face, he wore decorated suit which one would confuse for a naval admiral, this man was in charge of law and order.

"You may now be seated." Judah said making every spectator take their seat.

The council nodded, "What are the charges?" asked Donovan.

"Three separate charges your honor, however they all intersect. The Toad Clan is charged of tampering with potential visions of future events by spreading rumors of such visions along with advertently and inadvertently tampering with future events." explained the clan member dressed as a spartan.

"Now what about the slug and the serpent?" asked Donovan.

"The Snake Clan is charged with using humans as sacrifices along with tampering with the bodies of their summoners in order to create disturbing techniques such as turning into snakes themselves and spreading rumors of visions of prophecies as well. The Slug Clan is charged with assistance of the Toads in spreading such prophecy, leaving them as the minor of the group." the spartan finished.

"All three of you, how do you plead to these charges?" Zaneri asked.

"It's the geezer's fault!"

"Blame the drugs!"

"These two have always been dragging me into trouble." Manda and Gamabunta looked at Katsuyu like an idiot with her looking like she was ready to cry.

After a moment of silence, "What?" was the response the judges gave.

"I think someone was putting the blame on the use of narcotics along with another blaming the elderly." Adriel said.

"Could someone care to elaborate on what my colleague mentioned?" Donovan asked.

Katsuyu spoke before either the snake or toad could speak up, "These two have been listening to their elders spouting on about nonsense speaking about the end of the world and some chosen one crap. I tried and tried and tried to speak up, but Manda stopped listening to us and then Gamabunta was helping his perverted summoner tamper with a prophecy without realizing it and it turned out they were trying to follow it which involved child abandonment only for the abandoned child to turn out to be their prophecy child. I didn't want to do anything, but my summoner started threatening so I was considering removing her until I was summoned and brought to court. Please don't punish me followers of Kami!" she blurted out rather quickly which was enough for the judges to understand.

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