Chapter 6 - Confession and Finals

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The New Goddess Realm, Pantheon of the Lady and Lord

An hour after Judah took Veronica and Jericho, Naruto is seen leaving the pantheon with a look of indifference. Just as he left he sighed and stroked the name on the doorway.


Naruto quickly cleared his mind of all thoughts before making his way back inside the church and taking a seat to wait for the girls. After another half hour, he looked up from his seat to see Judah with a smile.

"They had issues but they passed, your aunt and friend are now allowed to summon members of the goddess clan." He said as motioned for Naruto to walk with him. The two made it into a large room where Zaneri and Jenna were already with the two finishing some oath and pure of heart test.

"We the elders of the goddess clan find you Jericho and Veronica Lioness worthy of enlisting the aid of the goddess clan." The two said together simultaneously.

"Now time for your familiars." Jenna said, "Do the same process to summon and your assigned familiar will be there to help you out." She explained.

"So only one member of the clan is all we can summon?" Jericho asked feeling confused.

"No but you might want to get the hang of summoning, although I'm surprised to that you were able to summon Jenna whereas Veronica was able to summon someone as powerful as Dominous." Zaneri explained.

"So how powerful was my summon?" Veronica asked nervously.

"Dominous is one of our strongest warriors, he should have drained a quarter of your chakra just to summon him and he's about three quarters as strong as Galand of the Ten Commandments." Zaneri answered getting a shocked look from Jericho who was actually there to experience Galand's power before Escanor turned him to stone.

"Dominous sounds like someone you shouldn't take lightly Veronica, I've seen Galand's power up close and Ban wasn't at full strength when I was with him." Jericho spoke up.

"Then how was he defeated?" Veronica asked feeling intrigued about the strong summon.

"We ran into Escanor who was weak and feeble until the sun rised up. After that he almost killed Galand before the commandment turned himself into stone when he got too scared to face Escanor in his own challenge." Jericho explained.

"Anyways, before we get deeper into that, I think you two should get your familiars before we head back and continue training." Naruto spoke up.

"I think I'll go first this time." Jericho spoke up taking the position of the jutsu in the room. "Summoning Jutsu!" she shouted as a large bloom of smoke appeared revealing a woman in strange robes that covered most of her body and part of her face.

She quickly looked around before kneeling before the twins, "My elders! Have you summoned me?" She asked.

"No Medea, you were summoned to be this girl's familiar." Zaneri said pointing to Jericho.

"Familiar? Is Master Naruto not the only summoner of our contract?" Medea asked.

"That is Jericho a member of the Holy Knight's of Lioness, she along with Veronica, the second princess of Lioness have signed the contract and passed." Jenna said pointing to the lavender haired girl.

Medea nodded, "Well then if you have been accepted by the scroll and passed the trials I will gladly work beside you Lady Jericho." She said bowing her head.

"Thank you, I hope we develop a good relationship." Jericho said nervously.

"Yes I hope as well, honorable elders, may I be dismissed?" She asked receiving a nod from both before leaving the church.

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