Chapter 13 - A New Home

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Several thousand years ago

9 large orange tails smash the ground and a figure in red can be seen avoiding them. The owner of the 9 tails can be heard howling in discontent as it's opponent smirks before landing a giant blow to it's head. The creature howls in pain before it falls to it's side finally giving in to defeat. The beast growls as it's opponent walks closer with a shit eating grin.

"Mighty beast you call yourself? Your so scary you give hand shadows a bad name." chuckled the man.

"Filthy human, how could I lose to a waste of space!? How could I lose to someone less significant than a dot on the map!? What power do you hold!? Tell me!" screamed the creature.

"It ain't much, I'm just immortal and you're just an oversized orange dog with an inferiority complex. I'll let you do the math." grinned the victor of the fight.

"Who are you?" asked the creature getting a laugh from his opponent.

"It's rude to ask for one's name before introducing yourself you jackass." laughed the man.

"Fine, I am Kurama, the Kyuubi no Kitsune or the Nine Tailed Fox in your vocabulary. I am the strongest bijuu or the tailed beasts as you call them." answered the fox now identified as Kurama.

"Ok, since you played nice I'll tell you my name. I'm Ban, the Fox Sin of Greed and I am proud to say I outfoxed the biggest and strongest fox." Ban taunted.

"I may have lost the fight, but this will not be the end of me! I will not, I cannot allow my legacy to die!" yelled the bijuu.

"Suck it up, I've killed real demons and you aren't one. You're just some fox that got high off of energy and grew too big." Ban said in a mocking tone.

"I refuse to die! I will take you with me!" yelled the fox as it began to bubble up.

"What the hell?" the energy began to spread and surround Ban making him choke on the air surrounding him. "You are such a sore loser! What's your big plan!?"

"HAHAHA, I will live on, even if it means becoming one with a mongrel such as yourself. The might Kyuubi no Kitsune will live on to spread terror and fear to those who oppose me!" laughed the fox as it started bursting and spread it's energy into Ban.

"Ban!" the Sin in question turned to see his best friend Meliodas running towards him only for the demonic energy to push him back.

"Captain get back I don't know what this stupid fox is doing, but it ain't good!" yelled Ban as the energy forced him onto his knees.

"Ban, don't worry I'll get you out!" Meliodas screamed running to his side.

"No captain don't AHHH! AHHHHH! LET ME GO YOU STUPID FOX!" Ban screamed as the energy lifted him into the air as the fox laughed.

"What did you do to him you bastard!?" Meliodas yelled at the fox.

"I will live on is what is happening, your friend gets to become my new vessel. So says the true demon king!" laughed the fox before Meliodas entered the basic stage of his darkness and destroyed the beast's remains with one final strike.

Meliodas calmed down before noticing Ban was still on his knees screaming in pain, "Ban!"

"Captain stay back!" ban yelled as he developed claws and his eyes turned into slits. "Captain, you have to regroup! You have to stop the commandments without me!" Ban soon developed a large snout as his body started to be covered in orange fur.

"I'm not leaving you! We're brothers and I won't leave you to suffer!" Meliodas yelled back.

"Captain, no matter what, be the hero... don't be the demon everyone sees you as... save Liones... save the group... tell Elizabeth you love her..." Ban began to go on all fours as his body started taking shape. "I would've died everyday for a thousand year too ya know. If it meant being with Elaine again, everything else could go to hell! Promise me you'll do all this before you save me AHHHH!" Ban yelled as he began to grow large and grew several tails.

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