Chapter 11 - Two Types of Dates

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At night

Naruto Liones was laying on the back on top of the tavern looking at the night sky. What could he be thinking? He is scheduled to testify in the Konoha Supreme court. Speak up and determine the fate of the people who abandoned him along with the sannin who attempted to kill Hiruzen Sarutobi, all three of them. These thoughts were a lot for a fourteen year to think about.

"Hey, Naruto." the boy in question turned his head to see his godfather.

"Hey King." Naruto acknowledged the fairy king who floated beside him.

"Elaine, your mother, asked me to check up on you." King said looking worried.

"Ha, I bet she also encouraged you to spend time with you nephew slash godson. Maybe get a little info on Diane since she likes to hang out with me the most?" he whispered the last sentence making King blush.

"What!? No nothing like that!?" he panicked before taking a deep breath, "Elaine's just worried about you, ever since you got your mail. You've been a bit distant and quiet." King explained.

"It's my birth parents, they're on trial and the old man wants me to help testify and do the same with the sannin since I helped stopped their attack on him." Naruto explained getting a nod.

"Do you mind if I sit here too?" King asked getting a head shake."You know, Elaine and I didn't know our parents for too long."

"Uncle King, how does that work for fairies if everyone looks like a child and I can tell who's older or younger?" Naruto asked making King groan about the birds and the sentient trees story.

(I have no idea how fairy clan biology works so I'm assuming its still similar to the birds and the bees since there was no recording of King being related to Dahlia or Gloxinia, so it might not be father to son. Message me if you have a better explanation through the manga or fandom.)

"Wow, that is a weird story. Do you think it will be similar if mom and dad give me a brother?" he asked getting a panicked look from King imagining a little Elaine with Ban's attitude. "Or how about if you and aunt Diane have a kid?" King turned into a tomato at the question

King was fighting off the need to pass out imagining a 20 foot girl with his facial features chasing him around and bringing him back to Diane saying, "Look mommy, I caught daddy!" but then again...

"I wouldn't mind seeing the little creature you two make."

"Hey stop changing the subject!" King yelled as Naruto laughed.

"Whatever King, I needed a distraction. Besides that last mission was a bit of a pain." Naruto said chuckling as he saw King puff his cheeks as he refrained from yelling.

Then suddenly, a mischievous idea popped in his head, "Well what about you and Merlin?" he asked with a smug look.

"She's pregnant." Naruto said without showing any emotion.

"PREGNANT!?" King asked turning into a tomato again.

"Nah I'm just pulling your leg you cheeky bastard." Naruto chuckled making him fume.

"Well then how is your relationship?" King asked losing his patience.

Naruto sighed thinking about what the beautiful sorceress said and how she didn't want him to tell anyone what happened on the rooftop.

"I'll be honest with you, she was the most mysterious out of all of you. I did get her to open up a bit, but she barely feels comfortable talking about her past and I have to respect that. However, that doesn't stop me from wanting to know her and maybe even feel closer." Naruto explained leaving King thinking.

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