Chapter 11: Not Part of the Plan

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"Why the hell did you carry a survivor to your cabin", Frank asked Evan. They were in Evan's cabin. The teen barged in after Y/N left,  unannounced demanding an answer.

"It's none of your business", replied the tall killer.

"Just tell me. I promise I won't tell a soul."


"Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please."Evan inhaled deeply.

"Alright! I'll tell you! You're so damn annoying!"

"Thankssss." Evan sighed at Frank. He explained what had happened at Dead Dog Saloon and why he brought her to his cabin. "Someone still has his humanity." Evan rolled his eyes. It never left him just hidden. He never had a reason to show his humanity...until Y/N gave him one.

"Now, will you leave me alone? I'd like to have some peace and quiet."

"Sure thing pal."

"I'm not your pal."

"One day", Frank replied with contentment in his voice as he left Evan's cabin. The tall killer sighed once more. A warm bath will do, he thought. Bathing was very therapeutic for Evan. It's one of his favorite past times to do when he wasn't busy killing the survivors. His mind wandered off to Y/N. He admired her bravery, determination for others...her cute smile, her soft lips...what the hell am I thinking. He shook those thoughts away. Evan finished up his bath, put on his comfortable clothes, and rested on his bed.

Oh no, Y/N thought. She felt exposed. She immediately left the unfinished generator. Before she went any further, someone yanked her hair back causing her to growl in pain.

"Hiya sweetheart." She knew that distorted voice anywhere. "My my you look stunning with that outfit. Marvelous just marvelous that you're wearing a crop top. Easy access for my knife." He caressed her exposed skin with one of his gloved hands. "Sad that you're covering my name with these beautiful high-waisted jeans." His words and touch made her skin crawl. Y/N was terrified and Danny saw it in her eyes.

"P-please leave me alone!" She pathetically pleaded. He slightly lifted his mask and kissed her neck softly still gripping her hair. He somehow found her sweet spot causing her to quietly moan. Her face heated up with embarrassment.

"What was that baby?" Danny felt amused by her reaction.

"Just stab me already." Y/N sounded ashamed.

"Wait here. I have something in mind." Y/N saw him smirk. Danny adjusted his mask and left Y/N feeling hot and embarrassed. To get her mind off of that terrible moment she decided to focus on the unfinished generator. After she completed the generator Y/N realized it was too quiet in the farm realm. She looked for other survivors but had no luck. All she found were uncompleted generators. Panic and dread were rising within her.

"Hello, anyone", the survivor whispered loudly. She was at one of the jungle gyms checking if anyone was there. No one answered until she heard that damn familiar distorted voice

"Why don't you ever listen to me?" Before Y/N could react the red ghostly masked killer attacked her. He pinned her down to the ground holding both of her wrists with one hand. Danny pulled out his knife with his free hand. No! This time she fought back. Y/N screamed and kicked wildly. He quickly sat on her legs immobilizing her with his legs. "Tsk tsk tsk", he made the sound as he shook his head.

"Danny, please!"

"I just want to play with you, Y/N." Tears formed in the terrified girl's eyes. "Try to fight back and I'll give you the most painful death." The weeping girl finally submitted. "Now that's my girl!" She looked to the side not daring to look back at him. "Look at me", Danny said threateningly as he pressed his knife down on her neck. Y/N carefully turned back her head trying not to cut herself. She stared back at the two black holes full of hatred. "You won't hate me for long", he mumbled at her. He let go of her wrist still pressing the cold blade on her neck. The killer slightly lifted his red mask only revealing his mouth. He leaned closer to Y/N's neck gently peppering it with kisses. He paused for a moment, "I should punish you for being disobedient but I'll let it slide this once." His lips went back on her neck once more. He found her sweet spot again. She would not let him have the satisfaction of hearing her. "Come on baby moan for me." Why is he so confusing, she thought. He kept kissing and lightly sucking it. Y/N bit her bottom lip.

"D-Danny", she accidentally moaned. She was going to tell him to stop, but the moan slipped out.

"That's it, baby." She noticed him smirking.

"N-no, I didn't mean-" he cut her off by kissing her on the lips. His plan was working. Her emotions towards him were all too confusing. She felt his tongue enter her mouth. Y/N's face quickly heated as well as the kiss. He dropped his knife onto the ground and began to roam her side. One of his hands slid under her crop top, groping her. Y/N felt something hard. Danny noticed the panic in her eyes. He knew what she felt. This was not part of the plan at all.

"Danny, I think I should go, she said as calmly as possible. "The other survivors are gonna get worried."

"Right", he tried not to stutter. He grabbed his knife and put it away. The peculiar gentleman got up and reached out for the girl's hand. They looked for the hatch still holding hands. The two finally found it at the killer's shack. "Thanks for not running away when you had the chance if you did I would have killed you", he chuckled.

"Oh, hahaha", Y/N laughed nervously. "Well, thanks for not killing me."

"See you soon sweetheart." Y/N jumped in the hatch to be transported back to the survivor's camp. When she got there two of her closest friends Jane and Claudette asked if she was ok and if anything happened.

"Looking for the hatch took forever. On top of that, I was getting stalked and chased." Y/N quickly came up with a lie.

"Well, I'm glad you made it out", replied Jane. Claudette nodded in agreement with a small smile. They shortly ended their conversation. Still feeling daze about her previous encounter with Ghostface; Y/N headed to her small tent to re-energize for the next trial.

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