Chapter 14: Panic Attack

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"What happened", Jane maintain a low voice yet with a panicked tone. The reporter took her friend's hands and inspect them. "Did the Trapper do this to you?"

"No", she replied with teary eyes and a shaky voice. "I- I was attacked."

"By who?" Y/N couldn't respond. "Who Y/N", Jane sounded more firm.

"I-i don't know! I couldn't see who it was", she lowered her voice to the last part. She didn't know why she was protecting Danny. She should expose that son of a bitch and yet here she was covering for that mad man.

"Come on let's hurry to Claudette's tent she'll probably have something for you."

"What's wrong with me. Why the hell do I feel bad? I shouldn't." Danny spoke to himself in his cabin. He took off his red mask, threw it somewhere, and sat on his bed. He sighed as he covered his face with his hands.

He ripped the paper into tiny pieces and threw it at her face. "Why?" Her voice quivered. Danny suddenly felt bad but was too angry to think right now.

"It's what you fucking deserve", he responded with venom in his tone.

He quickly got up not wanting to think about the previous events. He went too far on her. Danny was a prideful man he wasn't going to apologize instead he was going to fix the drawing. He left his cabin and ventured off to the looking for those pieces of paper. He knew who could fix it. It took about half an hour to look for the tiny pieces of paper and another half an hour to make sure there were none left on the ground. He went back to his cabin and burned a rare offering. "Fix the drawing and take it back to her tent...please", he mumbled hoping he was being heard.

"I think you like this girl...such a waste of offering, but I will fulfill your wish", the entity spoke with multiple voices. The papers floated out of his pocket and began connecting its self. Once the paper was whole, the paper disappeared leaving a red spark outlining where the paper once was. The red spark dissolved moments after. The paper reappeared in Y/N's tent looking perfect and unharmed as if Danny never touched it. Y/N entered her tent with red puffy eyes and her hands were bandaged. She noticed the paper untouched on her air mattress.

"What? How?" she whispered in confusion. She picked up the paper and put it on her chest to display. Her injury prevented her to go into trial but only for a week since Claudette used a magical flower for its healing properties. When Y/N quickly recovered from her injuries, the entity pulled her in multiple trials. It was overworking the poor girl again. Y/N didn't mind though, in fact, she improved tremendously on surviving while being altruistic. The entity saw this switch which angered it. Y/N was surviving frequently and saving her teammates. It smelled her hope and determination. It craved deeply for her soul. The trial against Leatherface was going very well until the end. Everyone was able to leave except for Y/N. The entity blocked both exits. "What the...", she turned back around and saw Leatherface was rushing to get to her. "Let me out! Let me out!!" She banged at the blocked exits. In seconds she was on the ground, blood spilling out from her head. The killer whacked her with his hammer. She cried out in unbearable pain. He picked her up and hooked her. This was a victory for the entity. It was finally able to devour her soul. Her hope fueled the entity. She spawned back to the camp feeling shocked at what just happened. Did the entity really intervene just to taste her soul? She was dumbfounded but quickly shrugged sit off when she was brought back yet to another trial. Y/N didn't want to do a generator instead she wanted to distract the killer. She walked around hoping she felt the presence of the killer. To no avail, she found Laurie and kate on a generator. It was almost done but the survivor still joined the two. After the generator was completed the girls heard a male scream. "I'll go rescue", she said to the other girls.

"Be careful pumpkin", Kate spoke softly with her southern accent. Y/N nodded and ran in the direction of the killer and injured survivor. The male survivor got hooked and gave out a blood-curdling scream. When Y/N felt like the coast was clear she hurried to the male survivor who was Dwight get off the hook. She attended to his wounds but before she could finish she felt someone watching them. Dwight noticed who was there and ran in the opposite direction. The girl looked around and spotted a ghost mask. Flashbacks of Danny came rushing in. A panic attack rose within her. Her breaths were uneven. her hand gripped her chest. Everything went in slow motion. Danny noticed and rushed to help. Y/N thought otherwise and forced her feet to run away.

"Y/N wait!" The fearful girl took a sharp turn into the jungle gym causing her to slip on the dirt. She tried getting up but Danny caught her.

"NOOO!!" She thrashed around his grip. He had a firm grip on her, trying to hold her down. She screamed and cried, fighting for her life.

"Breathe! Y/N breathe!" This was going on for a couple of minutes before she listened. "Breathe", he softly spoke this time. He took off his mask and tossed it somewhere. He inhaled and exhaled. She stared at his brown eyes and followed his breathing. His legs were crossed holding her. He stroked her hair hoping this would calm her more. He was prideful but for her, he was going to humble down. "I'm...sorry", he said with his real voice. She was silent. "I don't expect you to forgive me and I'm fine with that."She was still silent, so he continued. "When I ripped the drawing I felt terrible. I looked for all the pieces and made an offering to the entity to fix it. I hope you received the paper."

"I did", she finally spoke, but quietly. "I'll think about forgiving you but for now, thank you for helping me...even though you caused it", she admitted. They were on the ground, Danny still holding her until the trial was over.

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