Date with Chloe?

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After yesterday, I have to admit, things seemed great. I actually felt closer to Chloe than I ever had before. It was kind of amazing how she made me feel. And it was quickly becoming obvious that I so wanted her to be more than just my best friend. But I really wanted to avoid making things too weird. What were the chances of her wanting something like that? Even if she did willingly kiss me at least once last time I saw her. Why must feelings always complicate things? I asked myself with a sigh. Not that I ever thought I'd see Chloe again, let alone want to date her, or whatever this was. I gave a little sigh and sat outside, looking up at the sky. "Hey there, Max." I heard from beside me, glancing over as I recognized Warren's voice.

"Oh, hey Warren." I smiled and he sat down beside me.

"What have you been up to lately? It feels like I haven't seen you around in ages."

"I've just been hanging out with Chloe a lot," I told him with a slight shrug.

"The blue-haired chick?" He asked, and I nodded, glancing away from him. "You two seem pretty close," Warren added after another moment had passed. And I just shrugged, not sure if he was implying something with that comment.

"She's my best friend." I looked over at him and studied his face quietly.

"Yeah, but.. Is there more to it than that?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I shot back at him immediately, hiding a blush.

"If you say so." I heard Warren chuckle and then suddenly everything went dark as I felt someone come up behind me and put their hands over my eyes.

"Hi Chloe," I said as I raised my hands to move hers from my eyes, looking over my shoulder at her. She grinned at me and I laughed.

"Well, so much for the element of surprise." Chloe looked over at Warren for a moment.

"You must be this Chloe I've heard so much about. We haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet." Warren said to her.

"Max talks about me?" She turned to me and winked and I blushed, smacking her lightly on the hand.

"Shut up, Warren." I told him politely. Chloe was grinning at my nervousness.

"I want to know what you have said about me, Max."

"Just the usual stuff.. You're my best friend." I told her, covering my cheeks to hide my blush.

"Is that it?" She almost sounded disappointed, and Warren was watching us both closely.

"Well, yeah..." I shrugged and watched her as she leaned in closer to my face. She... She wouldn't kiss me, would she? Right here, in the open.. In front of Warren? And whoever else could be around to see. But I was quickly both relieved and a little disappointed as she just kissed me on the cheek, and not on my lips.

"So anyway, we still going out today?" She asked me. "We were going to make a date of it, remember?" Chloe flashed a smile in my direction and gave a glance at Warren. I swear, she was trying to embarrass me to death. I gave her a little glare and she just started to grin. Her eyes were telling me to just go along with it. Looking at Warren, noticed how interested he looked in this conversation. Of course, he would be, I'd avoided saying anything when he basically asked me if I liked Chloe as more than a friend. Blushing, I nodded at her.

"Uh, yeah. Let's go now. Talk to you later, okay Warren?" I smiled at him.

"See ya, Max." He said as I dragged Chloe away from him, out of earshot.

"I can't believe you just did that." I wondered how red my cheeks were from all the blushing I was doing today because of her.

"Oh, come on, Max! Did you see his face? That was hilarious."

"He already thinks I have a thing for you." I blushed and shook my head. "And now he thinks we're going out on a date, thanks to you." Chloe just started laughing and winked at me. "You're really getting a kick out of this, huh?"

"Of course I am! And to be clear, you do have a thing for me." I rolled my eyes and glanced around quickly before giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Maybe so. But that's between you and me." I told her as we walked to her truck. She grinned happily, and I wondered if that was in reaction to me kissing her or if she was still amused by what she'd done back there with Warren.

Either way, I couldn't help but smile. Chloe may be a trouble-making rebel with blue hair, who liked to smoke and drink.. But she was mine. My Chloe, my rebel. And I loved her. I was in love with her. There was no doubt about that.

"He'll probably be thinking about that little conversation we just had later."

"Ew, I really hope you're not implying something." I smacked her gently and she laughed.

"You love me, Caulfield! You know you do."

"Of course I do. Now just stop talking."

After we both got into her truck, I turned and looked at her. "So what are our plans for today anyway?" She looked thoughtful for a few moments.

"We could go get something to eat?" She suggested. "Then, just.. I don't know, hang out, and talk. Preferably where no one would bother us." I looked at her and bit my bottom lip gently before nodding. What was she thinking about right now? Chloe was a pretty hard person to read, I had no idea what kind of thoughts she was having. And I had no idea how she felt about where our relationship had been heading recently.

Silently, she started to drive, and I just watched her. I wasn't exactly sure what to say now. Glancing over at me, Chloe gave me a light nudge with her elbow and I giggled softly. This was all starting to feel so natural. It was kind of strange. I'd never been this way with her before. It was a new level of closeness, past our very close friendship as best friends. And I didn't quite know what to think about it.

Chloe took us out to a nice place to each. And we chatted and laughed, having fun and enjoying this food as well as each others company. I honestly didn't care what we did or where we went lately. As long as we were together. Because that was what made me happy. Being with her. Making new memories, and thinking back on the old ones we had made together so long ago. After we were done, she surprised me by paying for the meal. Isn't she supposed to be low on cash? I asked myself and then shrugged slightly. I couldn't help wondering where she could have gotten the money from though. She always seemed to get into trouble when it came down to money these days.

From there, it was back to Chloe's house, where we would be completely alone. At least while her mom and step dad were both out at work. And I was nervous, but excited to be alone with Chloe. She walked into her room, turned on some music, and then laid back on her bed. "Well? Don't just stand there, make yourself comfortable!" When I walked over to her, she gently grabbed my arm and grinned as she practically pulled me down on top of her. "Comfy yet?" She said in a flirty tone.

"Are you just trying to get me into bed, Chloe?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow at her curiously.

"Oh, you know me so well. I should have known my tricks would never work on you.." She started laughing and so did I. "But you do seem interested in me. if you don't like something that I do, just tell me to stop." She smirked at me.

"This doesn't seem to weird you out at all.." I told her quietly. "I've almost been sure you were high through all of this."

Chloe rolled her eyes at me. "Because I'd have to be high to kiss you? We used to all the time!"

"But that was practice, this is..." I paused and then shrugged. "I don't know what this is, but it feels more real than that ever did. And I'm not sure where we are going with this, Chloe."

"Max, just relax. You'll always be my best friend. And if this gets too weird, we end it." I nodded slowly and glanced away from her. I'd never admit to her I didn't want it to end. Then she gently grabbed my chin and made me face her. I looked at her in silence for a moment as her arms gently wrapped around me and pulled me closer. And I could never stop being aware of the fact that I was on top of her. It was nice.. And it was weird. But mostly it was nice. It just felt right to me. It felt sort of natural after a while.. I blushed as I watched Chloe's lips nearing my own.

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