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I was walking back to my dorm room when I felt a hand on my arm, and my eyes widened for a moment in shock as I looked over to see Warren. How had I not even noticed him there? Must have been too wrapped up in my own thoughts.. To be completely honest, I still didn't know what to say to him after all that had happened last time. How Chloe had hit him and all. I nearly sighed and then smiled. "Hey Warren.. Didn't notice you there. Sorry."

Warren looked  relieved to be able to catch me alone. Couldn't say I blamed him. Being on the wrong side of Chloe was a tough place to be. "Can we sit?" He asked as he led me over to a nearby bench.

"Sure.." I looked at him curiously.

After we had finished with our picnic, Chloe dropped me off at Blackwell and then I assumed she went back home. It was getting seriously dark out now, the peaceful sounds of night surrounding us. I looked at Warren. I would have expected him to be back in his own dorm already, but maybe he'd just been here waiting for me. It was then I noticed that Warren was holding my hand again, the same as he'd done last time. When Chloe had showed up and hit him.

Thinking about it almost made me wince, hoping that this night wouldn't go like that last one with Chloe. I couldn't have that. Warren was still my friend. There was a long silence before he opened his mouth to speak up.

"I know I never really got around to telling you how I feel about you, Max, but..."

"Warren." I frowned, trying to stop him.

Nobody could ever compete with Chloe, not even him. That was just the way I felt. But I didn't want to say it, knowing that hearing those words might hurt him. He glanced away and I let out a slight sigh.

It was at that moment I started to get up to leave, but Warren was still holding onto my hand, gently gripping it. This wasn't right at all. And he did the most unexpected thing that I absolutely did not want to happen. He kissed me.

Honestly, I would have never expected such an action to come from Warren. And I was simply too shocked to pull away from him. But the very idea of this, I knew how wrong all of it was. it took much too long for my brain to kick in and make me put my hands on his chest to politely push him away and break the kiss.

Little did I know, someone had seen that kiss. The last person who I ever wanted to witness me kissing someone else. Neither of us were aware of Chloe staring on in silent horror. Then her face turned to anger, her blue eyes glaring at him. Glaring so hard that it was like she wanted to obliterate him with a single look. It must have been the darkness, or possibly the situation, and Chloe had walked away long before I pushed Warren back. As much as she'd wanted to give Warren a good thrashing, Chloe was much too jealous and much too hurt to deal with this right now. And Chloe hated feeling jealous.. It was something she rarely ever felt. Once she'd gotten out of there, she drove back home and proceeded to get drunk as she thought about what she'd just witnessed.

But I still had Warren to deal with. "I can't... Warren, I love Chloe."

He looked rather upset, but he nodded slowly. "Alright, Max. I get it. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too." I sighed, wondering how he must be feeling knowing his feelings could never be returned.

"Don't apologize." Warren stood up slowly and looked down at me. "I'll see you around, alright?"

With a nod, I sat there for a while and watched him go. I wasn't sure how long I'd kept sitting there after he'd left. I was still too shocked to process the whole situation. Glancing up at the night sky, I felt a sudden need to call Chloe. My body was shivering slightly now as I stood up from the bench and made my way inside, down the hall and into my room. She would surely make me feel better. The punk girl that I loved always had a way of doing that. With a single touch, or a look. Even just hearing her voice. All of it helped.

Once I was in my room, I pulled out my phone and called her. It rang for a while, and my heart sank as I wondered if she would even pick up. Could she be asleep already? It felt like I was listening to it ring forever. But then, she finally picked up.

"Yo, Max. Why you callin' so late?" I frowned as I could hear the slur in her voice immediately.

"Are you drunk?"

"Maybe, what's it to you?

I sighed softly as I sunk down into my bed, feeling suddenly exhausted. How could I have a serious talk with a drunk Chloe? There seemed to be a slight coldness to her voice too. But maybe I was just imagining that. She hadn't let on that anything was wrong, so I doubted she'd seen me with Warren. I shook my head slightly. "I'll just call you tomorrow.. Goodnight." And then I hung up. Now that I really thought about it, I wasn't sure what I'd been going to say to Chloe anyway. I couldn't tell her Warren kissed me. She'd probably murder him. Maybe I had just hoped she'd come over... But oh well.

Setting my phone down beside my bed, I got out my pajamas and changed into them before turning off all the lights and crawling into bed. As tired as I felt, I wondered how I was even going to be able to sleep. My head seemed to be racing with thoughts. I felt so restless and so exhausted all at the same time.

At her house, Chloe made an annoyed sound as Max hung up and gently threw her phone down on the bed beside her. It might not have even been Max who kissed him, hell maybe she was just overreacting.. But she clearly wasn't thinking about it like that. Of course, she wasn't always the most rational person, especially not when she was angry. And right now, she was fucking pissed! And afraid. Afraid of losing Max. That was something she would never admit to. She groaned as she hated herself for feeling such strong jealously. Why did something like this have to happen right after their first date? With a big sigh, she took a drink from the bottle she was holding, which contained beer. How much had she drunk tonight? Too much. Chloe took a big drink then, finishing off what was left in that bottle. And she laid back, closing her eyes with a sigh. Fucking Warren. I'll fucking kill him. With that thought, the blue haired teen proceeded to pass out as the alcohol had continued to make its way through her system.

She would sure be feeling like shit when she woke up tomorrow. Of that, Chloe Price was absolutely sure.

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