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📍the beach

i laid on my towel, watching dylan fling himself around in the water. he looked up at me, he looked like an idea just popped into his mind. he darted over to me.

"oh my gosh you scared me." i said.

"aww poor thing." he mocked.

i rolled my eyes.

"okay three things. one, we're going to a party. two, you're coming as my date. sorry shay. and three, you have to leave your phone at home." he said.

"okay three questions. one, whose party? two, never mind i have no questions for that one. three, why?" i replied.

"this popular kid named ryan is having a party he lives like a couple minutes away, the whole school will be there and it's great to get you to meet people during the summer. and you can't bring your phone because you'll probably end up losing it." he said.

"okay, when's the party?" i asked.

"now." he said.

we threw on clothes over our swimsuits and headed out on the golf cart.

"you think you'll meet any cute girls?" i asked.

"i already have one right next to me. olivia! you're going as my date, act as my date." he scolded.

"oh i see what's going on!"

"what's do you mean? nothing is going on."

"you told your friends that you're dating me."

"no i didn't."

"don't lie!!"


"oh my god!! this is great."

"don't tell them please."

"i won't. as long as you don't tell them about shay."

"i won't. but that's a sucky secret liv."

"i know."

we got to the party, music was blasting like crazy and there were glowing and flashing lights everywhere.

dylan held my hand and brought me to a group of his friends.

"hey, i'm ryan." one of his friends said.

"i'm olivia." i said.

"you're the new girl in town?" he asked.

"yep." i said.

"and dylan already got you? damn, lucky." ryan said.

i chuckled and dylan brought me over to sit.

"sorry." he said.

"it's fine dylan! it's what friends do for each other. and to be honest, this makes me feel less lonely." i shrugged.

"i'm going to go swimming, wanna come?" dylan asked.

"i'm good." i said.

he nodded and ran off with ryan and some girls.

i wished i would've brought my phone to do something, since i literally knew nobody here besides dylan and i guess i now knew ryan. yet, people seemed to know me as the new girl in town.

"hey!" a voice said.

i looked next to me to see a brunette girl.

"hi?" i asked.

"i'm lexie." she said.

"i'm olivia."

"what are you doing at ryan's party? looking for a boy?"

"um actually no i have a girl- i mean, i have a boyfriend."


"dylan byrne."

"oh dylan! he's a sweetheart."

"i know."

"so, who's the girl?"

"what do you mean."

"you know, the girl you were about to tell me about."

"there's no girl."

"you know olivia, you can't keep secrets for long in the hamptons. someone will find out and soon everyone will find out."

"um, okay?"

"hey liv! hey... lexie." dylan said, running up to us.

"oh hey dylan, i was just talking to olivia about that girl!" lexie said.

dylan grabbed my wrist tightly, pulling me up from my chair.

"who?" he asked.

"that girl she always talks about." lexie said.

"there's no girl she always talks about. thanks for your concern though!" he said.

we walked away.

"to be honest liv, you gotta cut it out with the girlfriend thing. just pretend like she doesn't exist. i mean, it's not a big deal, but having a long distance relationship is a real turn off. nobody really cares and will just end up making you cheat anyways." dylan explained.

"so, i have to pretend i'm not dating someone to make friends? that's fricken stupid." i chuckled.

"like i said, pretend she doesn't even exist." he said.

"how am i supposed to pretend like she doesn't exist if she is all i think about?" i groaned.

"block her." he said.

"block her?"

"yeah. you've never blocked someone before because you liked them so much?"


"oh, i do it all the time."

"i guess i'll block her."

"great idea!"

ON HOLD - shay rudolphWhere stories live. Discover now