Chapter 1 - First Day

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"Y/N, wake up! You're gonna be late for school!"

I rolled over in bed, ignoring my older sister's yells. It's the first day of my third year in high school, and I do not want to go. Checking the time, I sigh. It's only eight o'clock, school starts in 30 minutes, and it's less than a ten-minute walk. Suddenly, I'm woken up from my thoughts as a pillow hits my face.

"Y/N, get up." I look up to see my sister glaring at me.

"Ugh, why are you so worried about me, I was gonna get ready eventually." I yawned.

"Mom had to go to work early, she told me I had to wake you up if you weren't up by eight. Please, when will you learn how to set your alarm?" She scoffed, leaving the room after throwing the pillow back on my bed.

"Maybe I should just skip the first day..." I mumbled to myself. After quickly doing my hair, putting my uniform on, and grabbing whatever was in the fridge for lunch, I ran out of the house to head to school.

Once I arrived at the front gates of Aoba Johsai, I was greeted by my best friend, Aya.

"Hey, Y/N! Class is starting soon. Did you sleep in?"

"Hey, Aya. Yeah... I seriously don't wanna be here, I was procrastinating getting up."

"Same! But on the bright side, it's our last year, and we have some of our classes together. Plus, we get to go to our clubs more often, which means I get to see you-know-who-play volleyball!" She smiled.

"Do you seriously still like him? Also, if I remember the girls and the guys' team practice on different days."

"That's only sometimes! Today we're practicing together! I think... but that doesn't matter, cuz we might have classes with him! So even if we don't see him during practice, we can see him in class."

"We? No, that's you, I don't wanna see him." As if on cue, the two of us heard squealing coming from the hallway ahead. Blocking the path to our class is the one and only Oikawa Tooru, and his little fangirls.

"Ok girls, we're gonna be late for class. We should get going now, alright?" Oikawa flashes his signature charming smile at the girls.

"Aww, ok... see you later, Oikawa!" They all wave goodbye with disappointed faces.

"Ew, no matter how much you like that dude, please don't turn into one of those fangirls of his." I said, turning to my now giggling best friend.

"Don't worry about that, Y/N. I would never act like one of those girls, at least not in front of Oikawa! That's embarrassing, honestly, but it's kinda funny to watch."

The two of us let out small laughs and started walking to class. Seriously, I never understand how she's liked Oikawa since we were first years. I mean, I must admit, I did like him for maybe a week or so in the first year because of his looks, but I got over it quickly. He seemed to be too much of a playboy for me. Aya on the other hand really likes him. She even joined the girls' volleyball team because of him. Well, she played before but wasn't planning on joining the team until she got "inspired" by Oikawa. She insisted on me joining as well since I've also played a bit before, but I was set on doing art club. Art was my true passion after all.

. . .

After what felt like hours of classes, it was finally the end of the day. I packed up my stuff and headed to the art room immediately. It was basically my second home. A reason why I loved it so much was the quiet and chill atmosphere it had, there were not many people in the art club, as well as supplies that I don't have at home. This year, I'll be spending even more time in this room than before since I won't be seeing it again after graduating, and I want to make the most of it.

As I opened the door to the art room, I took one step in and completely froze.

There, standing right in front of my eyes was a girl, her face completely red, and Oikawa Tooru.

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