Chapter 33 - Feelings

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I blink a few times, coming out of the daze I was just in. Aya stood in front of my desk holding her bag.

"Class is over, let's go eat lunch."

"Ah, right." I gathered my belongings and stood up, checking behind me in case I left anything.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she asks, slowing down her walking pace to match mine.


"Sorry, that sounded a little mean..." she awkwardly laughs, "What I mean is, you've barely said anything today, and every class we've been in this morning you've been staring off into space."

"I always zone out, Aya."

"No, this was a different kind of zoning out. You were like, not even present. Lifeless!"


"Yeah! Even now, it feels like you're not even here."

"Sorry, I guess it's just..." I pause trying to think of something logical to say, "The art competition. It's been on my mind a lot..."

She raises an eyebrow, "You sure...?"

. . .

The gap between our lips closed. Oikawa's hands ended up on either side of me, holding himself up for balance. I didn't pull away, or push him off. I was completely consumed by his soft lips on mine.

He pulled away after a few seconds. The kiss didn't last long. Not as long as I would've liked, I hate to admit.

What just... happened?

My heart was pounding, I'd be surprised if he didn't hear it. My eyes remained away from his, I couldn't make eye contact with him.

Before I could process what had just gone down, my phone started to vibrate. Both Oikawa and I glanced next to me in unison. I read the contact's name: Iwaizumi.

"You gonna answer this?" Oikawa picks up the phone, holding it above me.

"I- uh... yeah." I was still in a complete daze. I take the phone from his grasp, pressing the green button to answer.


"Hey, Y/N, what's up?" Iwa asks. My eyes shifted up to Oikawa, who was still practically on top of me. He was staring at me intently.

"Uh, n-nothing. Just hanging out. You?" I try sounding as enthusiastic as possible, I didn't want to make him worry. Or seem suspicious.

"Well, you called me twice earlier, which you never do. Sorry I didn't get to you, I was busy... but I wanted to see if everything's alright."

"Oh, yeah! It's- um- There's no need to worry, I got it all figured out-"

Oikawa took a hold of my free hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, fully taking me off guard. I know he was trying to make me flustered on purpose.

"Are you sure...? Is everything good there, Y/N?"

"Y-yeah," I was frozen in place, Oikawa's gaze remained glued to me, "Don't worry about it! I'll talk to you later, ok, Iwa?"

"Yeah, sure..." He sounded skeptical, but he's not one to pry, "Let me know if you need anything. Talk to you later."

"Peace out," I quickly end the call, looking back at Oikawa, "What are you doing?"

"Wow, you could barely form a proper sentence!" He stifles a laugh, "Hey, you have nice hands."

I widen my eyes, "I- what?"

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