Chapter 23 - Not a Dare

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"Ok then, Y/N." Oikawa looks over at me, waiting for me to pick truth or dare. The look on his face right now... he's definitely going to say something stupid.

"...Dare." I say, immediately regretting my choice when he says the dare.

"I dare you to kiss Iwa."

I couldn't help but laugh, "W-what? Kiss Iwaizumi? Um..."

"Oikawa." Iwaizumi glared at Oikawa, but he wasn't paying much attention to Iwaizumi, he was simply waiting for me to do the dare.

"Come on, a dare is a dare." He smirked. A nervous smile remained on my face. I was at a loss for words.

"Y/N, you don't have to-"

"N-no! I can kiss you!" I interrupted Iwaizumi, "I mean if you're fine with it... like he said: a dare is a dare!"

I crawl over to the other end of the couch where Iwaizumi was sitting, not even giving him a chance to respond to me. I glanced down at his lips now that our faces were extremely close.

This... this is my first kiss... wait, what the hell am I doing?

I snap back into reality after a few seconds. Iwaizumi's face was in complete shock. I take a look around the room, Aya had a hand over her mouth, eyes wide, and Oikawa's face was a mixture of surprise and amusement. What is he thinking right now? What is with that stupid face?

"I- um... You know what? I'm actually gonna go to the bathroom... haha..." I quickly stand up and stumble to the bathroom. The second I shut the door, I let out a huge breath.

"Am I completely insane?!" I mutter to myself, "No, seriously, what the fuck is my problem?"

I started to hit my head against the wall. Not too hard, I didn't want the others to hear me. How embarrassing was that? Why couldn't I have just normally kissed him? Or politely decline? Either of those options would have been 100 times better than this! Now I'm stuck looking like a complete fool. I've never even kissed anyone before, so how the hell was I supposed to know what to do if I actually did go for it?

"No, it's ok, Y/N, you're fine-" My mumbles were interrupted by a knock.

"Y/N," It was Aya, "You've been in there for a bit... you ok?"

I didn't want to face anyone right now. There is so much embarrassment inside of me. There was a pause before I heard another voice across the door.

"Hey, Y/N," That was Iwaizumi's voice now, "It's ok, y'know."

"Is it really...?" I say, not loud enough for him to hear.

"You can't hide in there forever." He states. I sigh, reluctantly opening the door. He's right, I can't hide forever, and I also can't change what's already happened.

"...I'm sorry." I say, staring at the ground.

"There's no need to apologize." He says, "Do you wanna talk?"

I nod, moving to the side, motioning him to enter the bathroom. I close the door, leaving just him and me in here now. I sat on the counter, while he was leaning against the wall, opposite me.

"Listen..." I start, "I know what I did was... weird. It's not like I don't want to kiss you or anything... I was just... I dunno..."

"I wasn't really worried about whether you wanted to kiss me or not." He chuckles, "Obviously I wouldn't mind, but it's your choice. Plus, if I'm being completely honest, I'd rather not have our first kiss because of a dare."

"My choice?" I tilt my head slightly. He nods. I slid off the counter, now standing, thinking about what he had said.

"Not a dare... hey?" I take a step closer to him.

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