Chapter 13 - Friends

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Walking into school this morning, I was exhausted. Yet again, I had another bad sleep. Recently, for some reason, my sleep has been getting worse.

I step into class and meet eyes with Iwaizumi. I look away quickly and notice he also did the same. Ever since we... "cuddled", which was only a few days ago, we've been kind of awkward around each other.

"H-hey." Iwaizumi greeted me as I sat down.

"Hi." I reply. We avoided eye contact. I felt my face becoming red, thinking about the scene that happened between us. It keeps replaying in my head, why am I being this way? I cover my face with my hand, hoping no one would notice me blushing.

"What are you doing?" Aya walks into the class, approaching me.

"Nothing...?" I'm not even quite sure what I was doing at this point either. Aya glances at Iwaizumi, who seems to be lost in thought. A rare sight since he usually greets Aya in the morning, along with me and Oikawa.

"Hello, guys!" Oikawa cheers, "How is everyone this morning?"

Seriously, he has way too much energy in the mornings. Aya furrows her eyebrows, turning to Oikawa and whispering in his ear. I couldn't make out what she said, but after she finished whispering Oikawa looked at me, then at Iwaizumi with a puzzled expression stuck on his face.

"What the hell are you two whispering about? And why are you looking at me like that, Shittykawa?" Iwaizumi asked, annoyed.

"...Nothing." Oikawa sighs, sitting in his seat. Aya just shrugs, looking at me apologetically. What is up with them?

With that, class started. I didn't talk to Iwaizumi for the rest of the day. We didn't even look at each other when passing the halls. Eventually, the day came to an end, and I was back in the art room.

I was starting a new painting, nothing planned, just letting my hand do what it wants. Sometimes, I need to mindlessly paint, surprisingly, doing this gets my mind off certain things. Usually, the paintings when I do this turn out pretty decent. I pull out my paints and start setting up, plugging in my earbuds, drowning out the sounds of some other art club members chatting.

I continue to paint until most of the members leave. There was just me, and another student left. He was a second year, I don't remember his name though, I never talk to him.

"Uh- hey?" I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to be face to face with the second year.

"Yes?" I raise an eyebrow. To be honest, I was a little annoyed, I hate it when people ruin my focus, and my brain was on autopilot, so I wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Well," He starts, "I notice that you're always here till late... and I was wondering if you can maybe show me how you paint with acrylics better. Like techniques or something...?" He seemed really nervous while talking to me. Like he couldn't word what he wanted to say right. I guess I don't really talk to anyone in this club, and I'm not the most approachable-looking person. Or maybe he's nervous with everyone.

I thought about it for a second, "Hm, I'm sorry, I'm not the best teacher. I don't really know how to explain my process..."

He blinks a few times, staring at me blankly, "Ah... well, maybe you can-"

Before he finishes his sentence, we hear the door slide open. I look back and see someone I never expected to see here right now.


What could he possibly be doing here right now?

He tilts his head, "Am I interrupting something?"

The second year's face grows red, but I just rolled my eyes, "No. what do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk to you." Oikawa states, looking around the room. He then looks at the boy, it seemed like he was giving him a "can you leave" look. It didn't take long for him to take the hint and pack up his stuff. Once he left, Oikawa threw his bag down on a seat near me and hopped on a table to sit on.

"Who was that?" He questions.

"A second year in the art club. Don't remember his name." I state.

"You don't even remember your own club members' names?" He gasps.

"I don't talk to any of them."

"I thought you were the leader of this club or something."

"Leader? Where did you get that idea?"

"Well, you're like the only third year in this club. And everyone seems to be kinda scared of you in here." He shrugs.

"Scared...? Wha- anyways, why the hell are you here?" I bluntly ask.

"I wanna know something," He crosses his arms, moving on from the previous subject, "What is wrong with you and Iwa?"

I sigh. I knew he or Aya would ask me that at some point. I stared at my painting for a solid 20 seconds, trying to figure out what was wrong with us.

"Hello? Are you just not gonna answer me?" Oikawa snaps his fingers in my face.

"I don't know." I start packing up my stuff in annoyance.

"You don't know? What the hell, you and Iwa give the worst answers to my questions!"

"I'm sorry, it's because I actually don't know!" I stand up, raising my voice, "Ever since that day we... "cuddled" ... We for some reason can't talk to each other! In the halls too, we can't even say hi or something like we used to, and it's so fucking annoying, even if it's only been like this for a few days! That stupid moment can't stop replaying in my head either, did that one tiny little interaction just ruin our friendship? Does he feel all weird about it too, or is it just me? Oikawa, what is wrong with me?!"

Oikawa stared at me in shock, "Jeez, it's been bothering you that much?"

"... I guess."

"So, you really do like him." Oikawa teases.

"Are you fucking insane?! I never said that!" I yell.

"Hey, Y/N, slow down, I was just joking around... ok?" He looked kind of worried as if I was about to stab him with the pallet knife that was on my desk.

As he said those words though, I widened my eyes. How immature am I being right now? Why am I yelling? There's no reason to get this mad... I need to chill out. My dad always taught me I shouldn't let my emotions control my actions. And look at me, doing just that. I regret not taking his advice more often. Fuck, why am I thinking of my dad now?

I look down to the ground, taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. That was very unnecessary."

He was a little surprised that I actually listened to him.

"I should talk to him," I take off my art apron and start folding it up, "Iwaizumi, I mean. I'll talk to him."

Oikawa nods, "That's good. I was getting tired of you two acting like weirdos."

"If anyone in this friend group is a weirdo, it's you."

"Ok, fine, a weirdo that you are friends with." He says, resting his arm on my shoulder. It's almost like me yelling at him never happened.

"What? No-"

"You just said it yourself, Y/N! We're a part of a friend group, so that makes us friends!"


"No but's! Just accept it!" He laughs, walking to the exit, "We're friends."

Before I could reply, he already left.

Me and Oikawa? Friends?

That's something I never thought would happen.

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