Chapter 9 - Practice game

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Eating lunch with the school volleyball teams was something I never saw myself doing. And yet here I am, Aya on my right and Iwaizumi on my left. The two teams always sat together, and even if Aya is my best friend, I would never sit with them. I would usually eat alone, Aya occasionally joining me from time to time. I didn't mind though. I like listening to music, drawing, or reading alone.

"We have a practice game on Thursday, you and Aya should come." Iwaizumi says to us, taking a bite of his lunch.

"We have one on Friday! You guys should definitely come to that one too." Aya smiles.

"Sure, if I have nothing going on" I reply.

"I wanna hear you guys cheering my name in the stands!" Oikawa chimes in.

"Ew, no one wants to do that." My face turns sour at the thought of me cheering Oikawa on.

"My fangirls say otherwise."

"Your fangirls aren't a flex."

"That's true. Also, you probably won't even play. Coach says you need to be resting. You injured yourself last week, remember?" Iwaizumi crosses his arms.

"That was just a small little thing, I'll be fine!"

"Wait, but you stayed late serving yesterday!" I looked at Oikawa in confusion.

"Hey! I told you to go home after we were done practice! What is your problem, Shittykawa? If you keep overworking yourself, you'll never get better." Iwaizumi furrows his eyebrows.

"I was just getting some needed practice!" Iwaizumi sighs in response.

Oikawa pouts, looking in the other direction and doesn't say anything else. Man, what a baby. I'm sure if his fangirls knew that this is what he truly was like, they'd probably reconsider. That might sound mean, but honesty is the best policy. Right?

. . .

Walking into the gym, I can already see the many fangirls waiting to see Oikawa. There were also a few girls from the other volleyball team.

"Honestly, I'm kind of disappointed we don't get to see Oikawa play... he's super fun to watch. Not even just cuz I like him, but he's actually a really fun player to watch." Aya sighs. I can't deny, he is extremely good at volleyball.

"Didn't Iwaizumi say he might play in the last part of the game? And I'm sure the game will still be entertaining. Do you know who they're playing against?"

She shrugs, "Yeah, it'll definitely be entertaining. And it's some school called Kurasuno. Hopefully, they're good. That'll make the match even better!"

I've heard of Kurasuno before, but I don't know anything about it. Just as I thought that, as if on cue the team shows up.

"Shit, Y/N, is that who I think it is?" Aya points in the direction of an orange-haired boy. It takes a second for me to remember who he was, but eventually, it clicked in my head.

"Yep, that has to be him," I say, "Should we say hi- "

"Hinata!" Aya yells out of nowhere

"Aya, what are you doing?!" I notice him look in our direction, and once he recognized it was us, he smiled running toward us.

"Aya, Y/N! I wasn't expecting to see you guys here!" He beams. Hinata Shoyo. We went to the same middle school as him. The only reason we know him is that we played on the girls' volleyball team, and he used to practice with us. There was no boys' team, so he did everything he could to practice and improve. Even if it was only a year for us, it was kind of fun to play with him. He had so much determination, which is something I always admired him for.

"It's nice to see you're on a team now, Hinata!" Aya smiles.

"Wait, do you guys play on the team here?" His eyes were full of curiosity.

"Aya does, I don't play anymore though." I reply.

He tilts his head, "Huh? Why not? I thought you were pretty good!"

"Thanks, but I have something I enjoy a lot more than volleyball now. I'm in the art club"

"That's cool!" He nods, "Man, you guys look so different since I last saw you. Aya, how have you gotten even taller than before?"

Aya laughs and we continue to catch up until Hinata's team calls him over to stop talking and warm up.

"Good luck, Hinata! We'll be watching the game." I wave. He gives a thumbs up and runs off. As soon as he left though, it looked like he was about to puke. I wonder if this might be his first game since he never had a team in middle school.

The practice game starts off with Aoba Johsai winning the first set. Kurasuno won the second set. The third set starts off with Kurasuno in the lead, but once they were about to win, the whistle blows.

Oikawa was now entering the game at set point. Wow, kind of a dickhead move, I thought to myself. But, if he wants to play, he can play. The fangirls' cheers start filling my ears once he enters the court. He looks in the stands and waves to all the girls cheering his name. I gave a thumbs down, not expecting him to see, but I notice his face change when looking in my direction. He raised his eyebrows in shock for a second. Realizing it was me who was giving the thumbs down though, he gives me a dirty look and immediately goes back to smiling at his other fangirls. Like nothing ever happened.

After Oikawa joined the game, he got a few serves in, but Kurasuno ended up winning. I'm not too mad about that, it was a fun game to watch.

Everyone started to slowly clear out of the gym once they shook hands. Aya and I headed down to the court where Iwaizumi was hanging out.

"Good game, Iwaizumi!" Aya smiled. I nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, guys." He said putting his water bottle down.

"Hey, where's Oikawa?" I ask looking around the gym. It's almost like he disappeared, he was here when the team was having their little after-game discussion. Iwaizumi just shrugs.

"Well, I'm really tired," Aya yawned, "I'm gonna head home, see you guys!"

"See you!" Iwaizumi and I both waved. We talked for a bit longer, but I eventually decided to leave as well.

As I walk to the front gates, I notice that the Kurasuno team was talking to Oikawa. What is he up to now? I waited for a moment until they left because I didn't want to possibly get involved in whatever happened.

"What the hell were you doing, weirdo?" I ask as I walk toward Oikawa near the gate.

"Just conversing, Y/N." He crosses his arms, "Hey, I wanted to ask you, are you friends with the shorty?"

"You mean Hinata? I just went to the same middle school and played volleyball with him. We're not that close." I replied, "Why?"

"Just curious. I saw you and Aya talking to him earlier."

I tilt my head, "Were you spying on us?"

"No, I just happen to see. And you'd be the last person I'd want to spy on, Y/N. What is with that thumbs down you gave me?!" He furrows his eyebrows.

"I had to lower your ego somehow, it's way too big."

"You know what else is too big?" He smirks, "My di-

"I'm leaving." I cut him off before he can finish that sentence and walk away.

"Alright, fine, see you later! But I'm sure you wouldn't be giving me any more thumbs-downs if you saw it." He teases.

"Fuck off, honestly." I say, hearing Oikawa's laugh getting quieter as we part ways.

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