Chapter 11 - Disaster

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"Wake up, Y/N! It's time to get going!"

I feel a pillow hit my face and open my eyes to see Aya, smiling over me, "Sorry, I woke up late too."

I groan, slowly making my way out of the bed we made on the ground. I probably only got less than two hours of sleep and my social battery is completely dead. How am I supposed to spend a day with Iwaizumi and Oikawa?

I quickly threw on my outfit and brush my teeth, once we were done getting ready, we headed out.

We were going to the same park we went to last time, to play volleyball once again. Aya was chatting the whole walk there, while I was probably looking like a dead zombie.

Like the first time we hung out, Oikawa and Iwaizumi were already there. We say our hellos, and everyone immediately wants to start playing.

"Why don't we switch up the teams, just to make things more interesting?" Aya suggests.

"How about Iwaizumi and me against you two?" Oikawa leans his arm on Iwaizumi's shoulder.

Iwaizumi pushes his arm off, rolling his eyes, "Yeah, that'll be fine."

We each go on our respective sides, with me and Oikawa doing rock, paper, scissors. I won, which meant it was our serve. I toss the ball to Aya, but she immediately throws it back to me.

"You won, Y/N. Let's see you serve!" She cheers, trying to motivate me.

"Aya, you know I suck at this..."

"If you keep saying that then yeah, you're gonna suck!" She gives me a thumbs up. I sigh, walking back to the service line. I spin the ball in my hands, preparing for an overhand serve, which I always do. I toss up the ball, swung my hand to hit it, and...

It hit the net.

"Man, we should've just skipped the rock, paper, scissors and started with me!" Oikawa teases, picking the ball up.

"Don't be an idiot, Shittykawa." Iwaizumi smacks Oikawa's head.

"Ouch, Iwa!" He dramatically whines, walking to the back of the court, "Y/N already told me I can give it all I got." He smirks.

I get in my receiving position. I had a feeling this is going to go the same as every other time I've tried receiving his serves. He tosses the ball up in the air, jumps, and hits it over towards me. I completely miss it.

"I see you've learned not to dive without kneepads." Oikawa says.

"Dickhead." I throw the ball back at him, annoyed.

"Don't aim for her the whole time, Oikawa." Iwaizumi turns to him.

"Fine, I won't. I know we have to get a rally going at some point." He shrugs.

I ignored him looking at Aya, "You're receiving it."

She nods. I can't deal with this like I did in the gym with Oikawa that one time. I feel extremely shitty after having a bad sleep.

We eventually got some rallies going, but our streak ends when Iwaizumi spikes the ball and I miss receiving it. I cover my face with my hands, feeling frustrated with the way I was playing. When I play awful, I start to feel awful. And it's hard for me to get out of that "I suck at this" mindset.

"Hey, Y/N, wanna take a break?" I hear Aya say. I guess she noticed how I was acting. I mean, what do I expect? We've been friends and played volleyball together for however many years, so she's caught on to my behaviours outside of and on the court.

I didn't want to look pathetic, so I sucked it up and pretended like I was fine. Aya looks at me worryingly, but we continue anyway. My choice to suck it up was obviously a bad choice, I started feeling worse and I'm sure everyone can tell.

As I tried receiving the ball at one point, I accidentally dove for it, hitting my hand and knees on the concrete. I sat there in defeat.

"Y/N, are you ok?" Aya jogs to my side, along with Oikawa and Iwaizumi.

"We don't have to play anymore... You look exhausted." Iwaizumi says.

"It's fine. I'll be fine." I dust off my knees and get up. I think I'm being dramatic. I'm only a little tired.

"Y/N, you have scrapes on your hands." Aya points out. I flip over my hands to get a good look and there were indeed many scrapes.

"Fuck..." I mutter under my breath. How is it always me forgetting we're on rough concrete?

"You guys wanna do something else? We can go to my place and get bandages." Oikawa suggests.

"Unless you wanted to go home" Iwaizumi spoke.

"We can still hang out, It's fine." I really didn't want to ruin this day for everyone, I know I already brought the mood down from being such a baby on the court.

We all started to walk to Oikawa's house. It wasn't far, so it didn't take long to get there. Once we arrived, Oikawa found some bandages in the bathroom.

I went into the bathroom and shut the door. I look at myself in the mirror, Man, what a disaster, I thought. I sigh, taking out a bunch of band-aids from the box and starting to wash the dirt off my hands. It stung a little once the water hit my scrapes. Turning the tap off, for some reason, I just felt like crying. I rarely cry, so it was weird to feel this way.

I wish... my dad was still here. That's all I could think of at that moment. He always knew what to say. Whenever I felt frustrated on the court. He would always tell me to not let my emotions control my actions. I'm trying to get better with that, but it seems that I still have a long way to go before I get to his level of emotional control. My eyes start to water, I hadn't even bandaged up my hands yet.

Come on, stop being dramatic.

Then I heard a knock.

"Y/N?" A voice calls out, "You've been in here for a while. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, one sec." I wipe my eyes quickly and open the door to be face to face with Iwaizumi.

He immediately looks down at my hands, then over to all the band-aids scattered on the counter, "...You need help?"

"Ah... sure." I move to the side, letting him in. He grabs a bandage and lifts my hand, observing it for a moment before putting one on. He continued with the rest of my scrapes. We stood in silence, I wasn't sure if I should say anything, and I'm sure he could tell I didn't really want to talk.

Honestly, I could have done that myself, but I guess I got... lazy.

"They're putting on a movie," He says putting on the last band-aid, "We could have snacks and chill for a bit. Maybe order some dinner later."

I nod, "Thanks, Iwaizumi. For helping me."

"Anytime," He steps out of the bathroom, motioning me to follow him. We walked out to the living area, Aya and Oikawa already on the couch, still deciding what movie to watch.

"Hey, you lovebirds good with pizza for dinner?" Oikawa asks, turning toward us.

"Shut up, Oikawa." Iwaizumi hits his head, plopping down on the couch

"Pizza is fine." I reply, trying to ignore the comment Oikawa made. I made my way to the end of the couch next to Iwaizumi. Oikawa was at the other end, with Aya in between him and Iwaizumi.

They finally picked a movie; it was some horror one. I don't really care for horror movies; I rarely find them scary, and I get bored of them easily. Around 30 minutes into the movie, the tiredness hit me. Obviously, I was tired before, but this movie was really putting me to sleep. I tried keeping my eyes open but eventually, I gave up and closed them.

I fell asleep, just like that.

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