Chapter 25 - Late Night Hangout

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It's been a couple of days since I got suspended. It's only the middle of the week. I hadn't done much today or the day before, I've just been lazing around. I tried painting, but I couldn't find the motivation to do so. I also haven't been sleeping well. I slept all day when I got home from school the other day, and it kind of fucked up my sleep schedule. Not that it was very good in the first place.

Now it's one AM, I'm sitting at my desk, trying to get something down on the paper in front of me.

How is it that these two days have felt like two months?

"Come on, Y/N, just draw something!" I mumble to myself. Honestly, I was dying to draw something decent. I attempted to sketch something, but gave up in the middle, crumpling up the paper and throwing it across my room.

"And I don't have my sketchbook either..." Not that I don't have extras, but it was bothering me too much to start a new one.

I slam my head against the desk, "Fuck... ow..."

I stayed there. Not moving an inch. I felt like falling asleep. But I wasn't tired enough for that.

Maybe I'll just take a bunch of melatonin...

I felt weak. I only ate an apple today, so that could explain why.

"Ugh... I'm sorry." I mutter, my throat starting to close, "I'm sorry, dad..."

This awful feeling. Lonely, nauseous, disgusted with myself. I haven't felt like this since I was in the hospital, next to my dad. Seeing a once strong person, looking so extremely weak, really broke me.

Silent sobs were all that could be heard from my room. But that was interrupted when I felt my desk vibrate. I hesitated for a moment, before pulling my head up and glancing at my phone.

"Are you awake?" Is what the text read.

Sent by Oikawa.

Why is he asking me if I'm awake? I reply with a simple "Yes"

I didn't get another text for the next ten minutes. He left me completely confused. That is until I read the next message, "Look outside"

Are you serious?

I reluctantly stand up, making my way to the front window. I push the curtain to the side, only to see Oikawa standing outside of his car, staring at his phone.

"Come here" Is all I text him. He casually walked to the front door, and I do my best to open it as quietly as I possibly could. My mom and sister are both asleep, and I did not want them to wake up and see Oikawa over at this time. They would completely misunderstand the situation.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I whisper yell, "It's one in the fucking morning!"

"I couldn't sleep. And I know Aya and Iwa aren't up right now." He shrugs.

"So, you decided to bother me?"

"Let's go out." He says, ignoring my question. I thought for a moment.

...I guess doing this is better than what I was doing before.

"Just..." I pause, trying to decide if I should even agree, "Let me get changed first."

He smiles, "I'll be in the car."

I rush to my room, throwing on a comfortable outfit, nothing that complicated. I grabbed my phone and slip my shoes on. Again, I'm exiting the house as quietly as I can. The last thing I want to happen is someone catching me sneaking out with a boy.

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