Chapter 17 - I Like You

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"Aya, do you think this shirt looks better, or this one?" I ask Aya on Facetime holding two shirts in each of my hands.

"They both look nice, but the one on the left looks better with the pants you have on." She says, "Also, chill out. I think you're overthinking it."

"I know, I know, I just can't help it! He's picking me up in like less than 30 minutes and I'm not even fully ready!" I panic. I am freaking out way too much, honestly. I slept in, so it's completely my fault for not having enough time.

"Did you ever ask him if it was a date?" She questions.

"No... but if I want to know so bad, I'll ask him today." I've been putting off that question until the last minute. I couldn't bring myself to ask him during the week.

I finished getting ready with Aya still on the phone. Once I received the text that Iwaizumi was here, I said goodbye to Aya and hung up. I put on my shoes and fixed up my outfit in the mirror before walking out the door. We were only going to the mall, so I didn't wear anything too fancy.

I stepped out of the house and made my way to Iwaizumi's car. Good thing my mom and sister weren't home today, they'd probably go out and talk to Iwaizumi.

"Hey." I say, opening the passenger door and taking a seat. For some reason, he looked really attractive right now.

"Hi," He looks at me, "I like your outfit."

I felt my face start to burn up and looked out the window to prevent him from seeing, "Thanks, yours is nice too."

He starts to drive off, and we have random conversations the whole ride there. Once we arrived, the question of "Is this a date?" popped up in my head again. Should I ask him now?

"Hey, Iwaizumi?" I say, making him look back at me since I stopped walking.


"Well, I was wondering if..." I paused, trying to decide if I should just spit it out, "Wondering if... um, you were wanting to shop for anything in particular? You know, since you were the one who suggested the mall..."

I chickened out.

"Oh, I want some new shoes, these are getting kinda old." He points to the shoes he was wearing.

"Ah, nice..." That sounded so awkward, why didn't I just ask the question?

"And I like hanging out with you, so I invited you." He says, a slight tint of red appearing on his cheeks.

How can this guy be so nice? Seriously, how did Aya fall for Oikawa and not Iwaizumi?

"Anyways, let's check out some stores." He motions me to follow him.

We started browsing around in a few stores, occasionally talking to each other. We didn't need to be talking all the time, it was nice to be in silence sometimes. Somehow, it wasn't awkward when one of us stopped talking. Usually, it's awkward with everyone except Aya. Maybe we've just gotten a lot closer than I thought.

"Hey, can we look in here?" I point to one of the stores we pass by. It was a women's clothing store.

"Sure." He says. We enter the store, and it wasn't too busy. I start scanning through the racks. Blazers, blouses, and a lot of other fancy clothes were there.

"You going to an event or something?" Iwaizumi asks.

"No, I just like these clothes. Even if I can't afford most of it. I love the way blazers look on me. And also, waistcoats. Those are super nice." I say, holding up a blazer next to my body, "Does this look nice?"

"Yeah, it would look good on you. Try it on."

"Huh? I can't just try it on in front of everybody!"

"You're just putting it on top of your shirt. It's like a jacket, right? Plus, there's barely any people here."

I hesitate for a moment, he's right, it's not a big deal at all. But I always go to the changing rooms so I can check myself out in the mirror.

Get over it, Y/N, I think to myself. I sigh, reluctantly putting on the blazer. I look in the mirror behind me and do a little pose. Not one of those crazy poses, just one where I'm trying to find my best angle.

"That looks... really good." Iwaizumi looks at me in the mirror as well.

I saw my face turn red in the mirror, and try my best to hide it by looking down at my shoes, "Thanks..."

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out of my pocket and saw it was a snap from Aya. I open up the snap, it read, "How's the date?"

I quickly clicked the snap away, hoping Iwaizumi didn't see it. I look back at him and notice he's on his phone too.

He then lifts his phone up for a selfie, "For Oikawa."

I give a peace sign and do the same with my phone, "For Aya."

We both laugh a little. I could only assume they planned this, and Oikawa sent something similar. Unless by some weird coincidence they just happen to have snapped us at the same time.

"Well, I guess we should go now. I don't need anything else from this store." I say, taking off the blazer, "I can't afford this, so I'll be leaving it here."

"Want me to pay for it?" Iwaizumi offers.

"W-what? No! This is way too expensive, plus you bought me and Aya food a while back. I don't want you to keep paying for my things, I'll feel bad!"

"Alright, suit yourself," He laughs, "Let's go get some food."

I nod and follow him out of the store. We sat at a table in the food court and chose what we wanted to eat.

Okay, I should ask the question now. Even though it's way too late, I don't care. It's bugging me too much!

"Uh, Iwaizumi?" I ask after having the last few bites of my food.

"Hm?" He looks up at me.

"I've been wanting to ask you this... Is this... um... a date...?" I felt my face immediately turn red. Maybe I should have just left that question alone.

He stares at me for a few seconds, almost like he was figuring out what to say, "If you want it to be."

I widen my eyes, "W-well, do you want it to be a date?"



"Ok, well, I like you, Y/N." He bluntly states. It caught me off guard since that was the last thing I was expecting to hear.

"I like you, but it's alright if you don't. This doesn't have to be a date. It's up to you. We can still be friends. And I know I said I was trying to figure things out only a few days ago, but I've made up my mind." I was simply at a loss for words. He likes me? How am I supposed to reply to that?

I probably stared at him for way longer than I should have, but I was seriously flabbergasted.

I guess, the only thing to say is the truth...

"I like you too." 

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