Chapter 38 - Congratulations

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I haven't been getting much sleep recently, due to the amount of art I've been working on. I got past the first, second and third rounds of the competition, and now I'm onto the finals. I'm not the only one who's busy either, as Aya, Iwa, and Oikawa have started their volleyball tournament. That just makes it harder for me to see them outside of classes.

What also sucks is that I haven't gone to any of their games. I might have a chance to though, if they get past their games tomorrow, I can make it to the next one. That'll be their finals before nationals. I made a promise I'd show up to at least one of their games.

"So, will you be showing this one at the gallery?" A first year girl from the art club asks.

"Yeah." I keep my response short, trying to paint whatever small details are left on my canvas. I was in a rush, I had to get this done for tomorrow.

"We're allowed to come, right?" The second year boy speaks up.

"I'm assuming, yes."

The two continued asking questions, until someone bumped into me. My paint brush slipped, causing a streak of black to form on the canvas. I widened my eyes, completely frozen at the sight as my heart sank.

The other club members went silent. I look up from the painting, scanning the room for whoever bumped into me, only to meet the eyes of Ami. Ami and her little group of friends giggling to themselves.

She only shrugs in response to my stare, going back to talking to her friends.

I curse under my breath. I didn't have time to deal with this girl right now.

"Hey, Y/N."

I turn around, seeing Oikawa walk towards me. He was sweating, and a little out of breath. I could only assume he was on break right now.

"You almost done this? You're supposed to finish for tomorrow, right?" He points to the painting.

"Uh, yeah..."

"Oikawa! Are you ready for you're next game?" Ami innocently asks him.

I glare at her, "Fuck off, bitch."

Oikawa raised his eyebrows, completely taken off guard along with everyone else in the room, including myself. I didn't think I was actually going to say that.

"Excuse me?" Ami stood up.

"I said fuck off." I mirror her action, "You're not even in this club. So, get a life and go somewhere else, instead of ruining my shit."

"What? Why are you blaming me for things I haven't done?"

Anything this girl did made my blood boil, if I hadn't already punched someone out in the school before, she would've had a black eye by now.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Y/N, calm down, ok?"

"Calm down?" I look over my shoulder, moving away from the hand, "Oikawa, do you not see what the fuck she did?"

"How are you gonna believe her, Oikawa? You've seen what she's done to me and my friends..." Ami interrupts.

"Now you're back to sucking Oikawa's dick, when will you ever shut the fuck up, Ami?" I was at the point where I couldn't control anything I was saying.

"Wow, now you're just starting to sound jealous..."

I don't even like it when Oikawa says I'm jealous. Hearing Ami say it was a different story, especially with the stupid smirk on her face.

Before I could get myself suspended again, Oikawa grabs my arm.

"Y/N." He says, "Let's go outside."

I furrow my eyebrows, storming out of the room. Oikawa followed behind me. I heard Ami call his name, but he ignored her.

The Art Room [Oikawa x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now