Math Class

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We started walking into the classroom. Jeffrey was in front of me and he stopped. He looked at me and said

"Ladies First" and he was blushing.

"Thank you Jeffrey" I said very quietly.

"Anytime Ri"

Wait did he just call me Ri. I think this off to a good start. I mean I actually think I like him, does he like me back?

We walked into math class, looking for a place to sit. This is so hard because I don't know anyone and everyone doesn't know me.

"Riley lets sit over hear. Julia, Brooke and Rori are sitting there.

I hesitate.

They're really nice, I promise"


We causally sit down and they look at me and I'm pretty sure they're thinking "Who is this girl and why is she with Jeffrey". I smile at them and introduce myself. Like Jeffrey said they're really nice.

The second bell rings.

A tall and skinny women walks into the room and Jeffrey leans over to me and whispers

"That's Ms. Smith"

"Yea, I would kind of assume" I laughed.

Jeffrey laughed back.

The class kinda just went on and on, just like the normal first day of school would. it was now 8:29AM and the bell was about to ring.

"Riley what class do you have next? I can help you find it"

I took out my schedule again.

"Um Chemistry, room 234 with Ms. Anderson"

"Aw it stinks we don't have the same B Block, but I'll help you get there."

The bell rang.

"Okay Class, great first day, see you all tomorrow" said Ms. Smith with passion.

"She's always perky like that, get use to it.

I laugh.

Okay Ms. Anderson's room is this way. The 200 hallway is really long, so it's okay if you get lost your first few days!"

As we were walking down the hallway a few boys stopped Jeffrey and I.

"Aw look it's the little singing brace face" says one of them. (His name is Billy)

"Who is this, you're girlfriend" says another. (His name is Josh)

"Aw the brace face has a girlfriend, the brace face has a girlfriend" yelled Billy.

"Riley just ignore them, please. Lets keep walking, the bell is going to ring"

"NO! Listen you bullies, I don't even know you, and at this rate I don't think I really want too, but leave Jeffrey alone. He is honestly the sweetest boy I've met and is making me feel very welcome here, something I would I assume you would never do. And so what if he has braces, no one is born with perfect teeth and I can already guess that Jeffrey is a great singer. And also for you're information we are NOT dating, it's a thing for guys and girls to be friends you know, or do you not know that. So please just back off."

"Wow I'm impressed, Jeffrey this chick is a badass" replied Billy with a smirk.

"The name is Riley NOT chick, for your information"

"Get lost- Riley lets go"

We continue walking, as the bell is going to ring in like one minute.

"Wow Riley, thanks for that"

"No problem Jeffrey, why do they give you a hard time?"

"I don't know, but they've been doing it for awhile."

"Wow. What jerks. I'm sorry"

"It's okay-

We arrive at room 234.

Well here we are"

"Thanks, I'll see you around then?"

"Yea! I better get to B Block tho."

"Yea, see you"

okay, it's official I have a crush on my best friend. A major crush.

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