The First Text

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I get home from school and immediately tell my mom everything. I grab a snack and sit down at the table, where she is reading her magazine.

"Hey sweetie, how was your first day?"

"I can actually say, it was pretty good!"

"That's awesome! So you're enjoying Norfolk then? Did you make any friends? Talk to any boys?" she said laughing and nudging my shoulder.

"okay, yes I like Norfolk, I made like one friend- and he is a boy"

"Ohhhh a boy!" she said blushing.

"Yes Mom, a boy"

"What's his name? Is he cute?"

"Jeffrey. And yes I actually think I have a crush on him."

"aw my baby is growing up." she said pinching my cheeks.

"I don't know what to do though, I mean there's this other girl named Julia and I'm pretty sure she likes him, and they're really close friends."

"Well does Jeffrey know you like him? I know it's the first day of Meeting-"

"No. at least I don't think so. when i was leaving off the bus today, he called me cute."

"Mhm really, did you get his number?"


"Well, seems like you've got a love triangle going on here."

"You think? it's the first day of a new school and I'm already have stupid boy drama."

"Honey, it's okay. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. If not then you'll find someone else."

"Thanks Mom!"

I get up to go upstairs into my room. I sit on my bed and take out my phone. No new messages, but I have a twitter notification form my fandom friend. I'm a huge R5 fan, and they're literally my life, and I'm madly in love with Riker. For the next few minutes I tweet my fandom friends and catch up on the Rydellington fanfic I'm writing.
Rydellington is my biggest OTP and I'm writing a love story about them. Right as I write "and they kissed"
"Hey Ri😋" from Jeff 😛 shows up in my notifications. Okay this must fate.

"Hey Jeff" I reply.

"What's up?😋"

"Writing fanfic, lol you?😆"

"I'm just hanging out with Julia lol nothing much"

I type, "Oh, having fun aren't you?" but then delete it. "Oh that's fun!" I say instead.

"Ya I guess!"

"lol, so about earlier..."

"what about it?"

"you called me cute..."

"I did?"

"Yes, Jeff you did 😊"

"Ohhhh yea right, you are!😊😛😊"


"Sorry I have to go, Julia and I are going rollar skating"

This really ticked me off.

"K" I said back, to end the conversation.

He admits to calling me cute, while he's with another girl. Ughhh why does teenage life have to be so hard. This is why I want Riker to be my boyfriend, at least he would be loyal.

"Do you wanna come?" From Jeff 😛 shows up.

"Aren't you with Julia?"

No response.

Ten minutes past.

"Hello?????" I say.

No response.


No response.

Great. Just great. I put my phone away, because it's obvious Julia doesn't want me to go. Whatever who needs "Friends" and who needs "boys" when you have twitter and R5.

I decided to go to bed at 9:00. Big day ahead tomorrow, second day of school!


"Hey Ri, sorry about that, Julia just wanted it to be me and her, and her parents were driving us so in had no control. And yes, I think you're cute, and you looked really pretty in that dress 😊 I'll see you tomorrow on the bus??😛 and then in A Block 😏. Okay sorry I'm weird 😎😋😆" from Jeff 😛

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