R5 and Jeff??

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The school day lasted an eternity, but I got through it. When I got home I told my mom about the school day. and went to my room. I thought about texting Jeffrey, even tho I literally just saw him. I decided to text Carney instead.


She responds right away.

"Hey, this is Riley right?"

"Yuppers haha what's up"

"Ah, nothing just for home and writing r5 fanfic 😜"

I stopped for a minute and literally screamed.

"Wait, Carney you like R5????"

"Yes, haha who doesn't, I'm a ross girl all the wayyyyy 😂✌️"

"OMG R5 is my life and I'm a Riker girl 😍"

"Yes OMG Riker is bae"

"and wait I write fanfic too, I'm writing a rydellington one 😉😉"

"cool cool, mine is called "What about Us" you should totally check it out 😏 http://w.tt/1f715lQ"

"Yes, I totally will 😝"

"Thanks. and thank you again for today!"

"aw, anytime, they were giving my other friend a hard time when he was showing me around the school, they're such jerks."

"wait Jeff, right?"

"Yes, haha why do you ask?"

"Aren't you guys like a thing?"

"What- No?! I mean we were, for literally like 4 hours but he wanted to just stay friends... idek it's really complicated."

"Oh that's weird, he's in my history class and he was talking about you today to his friends Katie and Emily!"

"He was? what was he saying??"

"He was just talking about that vine he dedicated to you, and that it's getting views and he's happy bc he dedicated it to such a beautiful girl. idek the full story lol I just overheard!"

"that's weird, I know for a fact he likes Julia and Julia likes him."

"Julia P??"


"Oh, she doesn't like Jeffrey...."

"What?? how do you know that?"

"I used to be really good friends with her... and she told me, she likes Billy...."

"Billy?? That idiot???"

"Sadly yes, but things could have changed idk. but that's sucks, it's like a love triangle thing you're going through, and Jeffrey is such a sweet guy."

"Yeah, I guess, but it's fine. I'm just glad Jeff and I are friends, he and you I guess are like the only ones who made me feel welcome!"

"Well you saved me from those jerks, so thank you... again! 😜"

"anytime! and I'm glad we started talking bc we can be R5 buddies 😉"

"Yes most def! haha but everyone always makes fun of me for liking them 😒😞"

"Really? I'm sorry"

"Yes, this school sucks. remember that!"

"Haha okay!!"

"well I have to get ready for piano lessons, so I'll see you tomorrow in chem!"

"Yes, see you!"

It was now 4:00 and I had to start homework, then dinner and then get ready for bed. I haven't talked to Jeffrey since the bus ride home.

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