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(If there are any spelling mistakes, please tell me)

Sumire's P.O.V

As I walk home from the store with groceries in my arms, I get a weird feeling.

Like someone's watching me, I start speed walking home.

I put both grocery bags on one arm and hold onto the Kunai knife that is hidden up my sleeve but doesn't make it obvious.

When I go to turn the corner, I run into someone.

We collide with each other and fall to the floor, dropping the grocery bags.

Once I hit the floor, I bring the knife from my sleeve to the other person.

I put the knife down when I realized it was Boruto on the floor and Kawaki behind him.

"Sorry... Are you good?" Boruto asks, surprised I pulled a knife on him.

"Yeah, I think," I say as Kawaki helps me up. Boruto stands up, "I think someone's following me," I whisper to them.

They both looked shocked. "What do you mean?" Kawaki says in a strange protective way as Boruto looks around.

"I'm not sure," I say a little scary.

"Come on, we'll walk you home," Boruto says, picking up my groceries and starting to walk toward my house.

When we walk, I get the feeling again, that Boruto is walking beside me, and Kawaki is walking a little behind us. "Boruto," I whisper.

"Yeah, I feel it too," He says casually, looking around. We start walking a little slower to let Kawaki catch up with us.

"You feel it too?" Boruto asks Kawaki.

Kawaki just makes a "hum" noise back when looking around.

"How much farther to your place?" Kawaki asks me.

"It's just around the corner," I say. I notice Kawaki cluck his fist as we walk.

We get to my place and I offer them I cup of tea. They come in, leaving their shoes at the entrance and coming into the kitchen.

Boruto puts the groceries down on the cabinet.

"Are your parents ok with two boys coming home with you?" Kawaki asks as he sits down and I put the groceries away.

Boruto hits him over the head as I grab the water and tea kettle. "Dude," Boruto hiss at him.

"Oww, what was that for?" Kawaki asks pissed.

"It's ok, Boruto," I say, smiling.

"My parents... um, don't live with me," I say, turning around, facing away from them, looking down the sink.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry," I hear him say as I put the kettle on the stove.

"It's ok, you didn't know," I say, smiling as I walk over and sit next to them, waiting for the kettle.

They have a little while of silence before Boruto asks about my job.

"So, how's your job going? Do you work today?" He asks.

"Yeah, I work later today. It's going pretty well, I've been working with animals lately," I say, smiling.

I hear the kettle go off and stand up, walking over to it. I bring out three cups and turn off the stove.

I pour the cups and bring two cups to the table. I hand them to Boruto and Kawaki, then go back to grab mine.

"Are you sure you want to go to work with whoever following you is around?" Kawaki asks.

The Invisible Ninja : Sumire x Kawaki Where stories live. Discover now