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Kawaki's P.O.V

Maguire leaves the cave for a couple of minutes. I try to heat the rope, and my hand starts to burn, so I stop.

I tagged on the ropes, but they didn't rip. I look around, trying to find anything I can use to cut the rope that's tying my hands.

I notice a rock in the corner of the cave. I use the cave wall to stand up. I sit down in front of the rock. I pick it up and start rubbing it against the ropes.

Finally, the rope rips and I untie my hands. I stand back up and start running towards the cave entrance.

Suddenly, it feels like I ran into a wall, and I fall backward. "Ow, what the hell?" I say, rubbing my head.

I stand up and put my hand out. Magire must have put up a sealing barrier. I punch the barrier, but nothing happens.

I start to heat my hands to blast the barrier.

"I wouldn't do that if I would you," I hear Magire say as he jumps up into the cave.

"The barrier is fireproof, you'll only burn yourself," he says.

"Where did you go? What did you do? " I yell at him.

"Calm down, I just let to pay my beloved a visit," he says, smiling.

'Sumire?' "What did you do? Where is she?" I yell again.

"She is on her way here, finally my love is coming to me," he says, smiling, getting me the creeps.

I think I have an idea on how to get out, "I don't get it, you said if she comes here it proves she loves you right," I say sitting down against the back wall.

"Yeah, so," Magire says.

"But I'm the bate right, so does that just mean she loves me," I say, smirking at him.

"What!? No, Sumire will love me and only me," he yelled like a maniac.

"Sorry to tell you this, but Sumire told me herself that she'll be in love with me," I lie.

"What?!?! No, no, no, it can't be true, you're lying," he yells.

"I'm not, Sumire is in love with me, not someone who won't kidnap an innocent little girl to get what he wants, and besides even if she doesn't love me you think she'll fall for you after everything you've had," I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Nononono, stopppppp," he yells, falling to his knees.

"Sumire doesn't love you. Just leave her alone," I hiss.

"That's it, I won't stand for this!" He yells.

He makes a hand sign, He runs at me. He takes out a Kunai knife and tries to stab me. I dodge him and jump next to the cave entrance.

'The hand sign he made must have released the barrier. I look through the entrance.

The cave is in the middle of the mountain with no cliff to climb up.

The cave is about 30 feet up. "By attention to the enemy in front of you," Magire says.

I quickly look at him and see a Kunai knife thrown at me. I quickly dodge it. I jump to the other side, still by the entrance.

I feel a small cut on my cheek. I wipe my cheek and see blood on my hand.

Magire makes a hand sign and then spits fire in my direction.

Sumire's P.O.V

I run as fast as I can to the caves. I jump onto the stone wall faces and start jumping down the other side. There are multiple caves.

I notice a Kunai knife fly out of one of the caves and hit a tree. I run down the wall and jump into the cave I come from.

I see Magire facing me with a hand sign and spitting fire. Kawaki is in front of me. He looks at me, surprised.

"Sumire!" Kawaki says, grabbing my shoulder and waist. He jumps out of the way of the fire.

We land on the ground with him on top of me. He covered the back of my neck so I didn't get hurt when we fell. "Are you ok?" Kawaki asks me.

"Yeah," I say, blushing.

"Get off of her," We hear Magire yell as he throws fire at us again. We quickly get up and jump out of the way.

"Sumire, get out of here, I got this," Kawaki says, standing in front of me.

"Are you serious? I was worried about you, and now you really think I'm just going to run away," I say, mad.

"Sumire, please tell me it's not true. Are you in love with this delinquent," Magire says, talking about Kawaki. I start blushing like crazy.

I'm in love with Kawaki. I mean, I think he's really cute, and I do have feelings for him, but I don't know if I'm in love, am I? I look to Kawaki.

He looks at me. That's when I realized what he was doing. "Yes, I'm in love with Kawaki," I say, blushing and Kawaki is too.

Magire looks like he's seen a ghost. "Nonononono," he yells, falling to his knees and grabbing his head. He stops yelling at stands up, looking down.

Kawaki puts his hand out in a protective way, telling me to say behind him.

Magire spits out fire, and Kawaki also spits fire, canceling each other out. Magire spits fire again.

Kawaki is about to spit fire, too, but I jump in front of him and make a water wall.

"No, what are you protecting him?" he yells, but neither of us responds.

"If I can't have you... no one will," Magire says, looking up at me with a jealous and evil look, making my heart stop.

Magire spits fire again, but this time at the ceiling. I ceiling comes down on us.

Kawaki grabs me and jumps out of the cave. We quickly use the chakra on our feet and stick to the wall.

"You ok," he asks, letting go of me.

"Yeah," I say.

"We need to get out of here," Kawaki says.

"Yeah," I say. We start running over the Hokage's stone wall and to Kawaki's house.

"Is he dying?" I thought out loud as we gotta closer to Kawaki's house.

"I don't know, but we need to get to Naruto," Kawaki says, and I nod.

Words: 1057

The Invisible Ninja : Sumire x Kawaki Where stories live. Discover now