I promise

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Sumire's P.O.V

After Kawaki and Boruto leave the room, I just sit on his bed with my head in my knees.

I stand up and look in a mirror, Kawakis is on his desk. I take a deep breath and smack my cheeks.

I look in the mirror again before I start taking my brands out.

"Hey, Sumire, Hinata asked me to give this to you," I hear Kawaki say from behind me.

I turn around and see Kawaki holding a plate of rice and curry. He looks at me and starts blushing like crazy.

"Uh, is something wrong?" I ask nervously as he sets the plate on his dresser.

"N-no, it's just..."

"Just, what?" I ask.

"Your hair, it... it's really pretty down," he says, covering his mouth with his hand and blushing a drak shade of red.

"Um, thanks," I say, blushing.

"Oh, um, you might want to eat before it gets cold," he says, walking out of the room, still blushing.

Once he leaves, I grab the plate and sit down in Kawaki's desk. I start eating, as I eat I notice as photos of our friends and the Uzumaki family.

I see a photo of Lord Seventh, Mrs Uzumaki, Boruto, Himawari, and Kawaki.

Everyone is smiling besides Boruto and Kawaki who are glaring at each other. I laugh a little.

When I'm done eating, I pick up my plate and start walking downstairs.

I put my plate in the sink. I noticed no one is down there. They must all be asleep and start walking back upstairs.

I see Hinata coming out of her room with night clothes in her hand. "Oh, this are for you," she says, handing me them.

"Thank you," I say, smiling.

"Of course," she says, walking back into her room.

Once I get into Kawaki's room and change my clothes, light blue taktop and dark purple shorts.

I sit on Kawaki's bed after turning off the light. It's passed midnight and I'm not even tired. I've had such a long day but I can't sleep.

I lay back onto Kawaki's pillow. 'It, It's smells like him,' I think of Kawaki as I relax myself into the bed.

I close my eyes but am still not tired. A little while later, and I hear the door open.

I forget where I am and what's happening, I freak out and jump up.

"It's just me," I see Kawaki wearing long black shorts and a white night shirt. I take a deep breath of relief.

"You ok?" He asks,

"yeah," I say.

"Can I come in?" Kawaki asks.

"It's your room," I say. Kawaki walks in and shuts the door. It's kind of dark, but he doesn't turn on the light.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Can't sleep,"

"me either," I say.

"Can I sit?" Kawaki asks. I just nod my head. He grabs the blankie and moves in.

I wasn't under it, so I get under it when he moves the blankie. Kawaki sits down next to me.

"Uh, what do you think Naruto and Hinata will say tomorrow?" He asks, leaning against the wall.

"I don't know, they probably mad we ran off," I say.

"Yeah, probably," Kawaki says as I lean my head on the wall beside me.

"Getting tried?" Kawaki asks, sitting up.

"No, not really," I say, picking my head up.

"You?" I ask him.

"Kind of, but I can't sleep," Kawaki says.

"I can't stop thinking about early," I say, thinking about Magire.

"Everything well be fine," he says with compassion and putting his hand on my leg. I slightly blush as he does.

"Thank you," I say, blushing and looking towards him but down. I look at his hand that is still on my thin.

He looks down, confused, then realizing his hand. "Uh," He says, taking his hand back.

"Sorry," he says, blushing.

"It's fine," I say, still blushing.

After I was a little while of silence, I started to get tired.

Kawaki calmed me down and made me stop thinking of Magire, so I'm not that worried.

I feel my head and eyes getting heavier. I start blinking in and out of consciousness.

Kawaki's P.O.V

I look to Sumire and see her slipping in and out of consciousness. She keeps closing her eyes but quickly opening them again.

"If you're getting tried, you can go to sleep," I say.

"I'm fin-" she says, collapsing on my shoulder.

"Uh," I say, looking at her. She looks so cute and peaceful, especially with her hair down.

I kiss the top of her head before leaning on her and falling asleep.

Words: 777

The Invisible Ninja : Sumire x Kawaki Where stories live. Discover now