Game Night

145 13 2

Sumire's P.O.V

After going home, cleaning, and picking up, I hear a knock on the door. I put away the last of my clothes and go to the door.

"Hey!!!" Sarada, Chocho, Namida, and Wasabi say smiling.

"Hi," I say, surprised. "What are you all doing here? I thought we were supposed to meet tonight. 

"Before mom left, she told me what happened," Sarada says as they all walk into my house.

We sit on my couch after grabbing drinks. I told them everything that happened, including Kawaki.

"What!?!?!?" Chocho yells.

"You guys kissed!" Namida screams, smiling. I blush like crazy as I nod.

"She just told us, the person that has been staking her was killed after kidnapping Kawaki and trying to kill the two of them and all you care about is that Kawaki and Sunire kissed," Sarada says kind of dumbfounded.

"Come on, Sarada, you got to admit, it's pretty romantic," Chocho says with heart eyes.

"I guess," Sarada says, fixing her glasses.

"Don't be jealous," Namida laughs.

"Why in the world would I be jealous," she says, blushing.

"Oh, come on, I saw the way you and Boruto were looking at each at the lake," Wasabi says.

"What are you talking about? We weren't," Sarada says, blushing more. Everyone just starts laughing.

"Anyways, we should go get something to eat," Wasabi says.

"Yes," Chocho says.

"We should go to the cafe down the street," I say.

"Yeah," Sarada says.

After we walk down to the cafe and get food and drinks, we all just sit around one of the cafe tables and talk about radon things, boys, missions, family, drama, etc.

We finish all our drinks and food. We all walk out of the cafe talking, "So, what should we do now?" Wasabi asks.

"Don't know, we still have a couple of hours before game night starts," Sarada says.

We all end up going to Sarada house to set the games and food and just hang out for a while.

After we set up the games and snacks, we sit on the couch and talk. A couple hours later and everyone starts showing up.

"What should we play," Boruto asks was him, Kawaki, and the rest of the guys walk through the door.

We start playing random games like Sorry, Clue, Game Of Life, Truth Or Dare, Means, Cards Against Humanity, Two Trues And A Lie, etc. About 2 or 3 hours go by.

"What should we play now?" Namida asks as her and Wasabi put Cards Against Humanity away.

"Let's play Spin The Bottle," Chocho says exactly.

There's a lot of "yes's" and "sure's." Sarada grabs an empty soda bottle and cleans in out.

We all sit in a circle, and Kawaki sits next to me. I smile at him as I lean on him a bit, and he wraps his arm around me.

I games starts with Chocho who is sitting right next to me and go's clockwise making Kawaki and I last people to go.

(not all of these are ships that I personally ship)

There's a lot of kissing, Boruto kisses Sarada, Chocho kisses Mitsuki, Namida kisses Wasabi, Wasabi kiss Inojin, Mitsuki kisses Chocho again, Metal kisses Namida, ects.

When I was finally about to be Kawaki and I's turn, Chocho whispers something to Sarada.

"We should change the game to Seventh Minutes In Haven," Chocho says with heart eyes.

There's a lot of shutting in agreement before we finally continue the game. Kawaki spins the bottom.

It's about to land on Sarada before she grabs the bottom before it stops and faces towards me. I start blushing as she does.

"Ok, guys, come on," Boruto says, standing up and opening a closet door. Kawaki and I both blush as we walk inside.

"The timer is starting now," we hear Shikamaru say. It's really dark, and we I can't see anything, but I feel Kawaki hands wrap around my waist.

As my eyes adjust, I see Kawaki. Our faces are inches away. I quickly kiss him, wrapping my hands around his neck.

He seems surprised for a second but then kisses me back.

As we kiss, Kawaki walks forward, making me walk backward and into the wall behind me.

He starts to kiss my neck. I move my hands from his neck to his hair.

He stops kissing my neck and looks at me. We stare into each other eyes. Him still holds the side of my face.

I grab his shoulders and turn us around. I start kissing his neck. He looks up, giving me more room to kiss.

We hear a knock on the door, I quickly stop and look behind me towards the door.

"Can you open the door," we hear Namida say. I walk towards the door and open it. Kawaki and I walk out of the closet.

"We give you guys 14 minutes and skips Sumire turn," Sarada says as Kawaki and I sit back now in our spots.

"Have fun," I hear Boruto try to whisper to Kawaki.

"Shut up," Kawaki says, elbowing him.

Chocho spins and lands on Mitsuki again. "Oh my god, why do you guys come landing on each other," Namida laughs. Chocho and Mitsuki go in the closet.

As time passes, it almost an hour. Sarada and Boruto, Namida and Wasabi, Shikadai and Inojin, Boruto, and Sarada again, Wasabi and Shikadai, go into the closet, Metal and Wasabi was supposed to go but Metal chickened out.

Everyone starts to get bored, and we start playing other games.

Words: 939

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