Where Am I?

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Kawaki's P.O.V

I wake up in a dark cave. I'm sitting down in the back of a cave, I see a light like a fire in front of me, but I can't see straight.

"Uh, where am I," I say in a few days and confused. My eyes start to focus, I see a tall man with brown hair.

He's walking closer to me. He kicks me. He kicks my jaw. I fall onto my side and spit blood.

That's when I realized my hands were tied behind my back. "You... your Magire... aren't you?" I ask in pain and turn onto my back.

He doesn't say anything and goes back over and sits down by a fire. I sit up and lean against the wall.

I look around, Magire and I are the only ones in the cave. "Where's Sumire?" I yell.

He doesn't answer, pissing me off more. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" I yell.

"SHUT UP," he yells.

"Or what?" I say. He gets up and walks over to me. "Why are you after Sumire? What do you plan to do with her?" I asks, yelling and pissed.

"You don't have the right to so much as say her name," he kicks my hip.

"Sumire, is a beautiful, innocent little flower, she is smart and perfect and kind and,-" Magire says.

"so it's true, you are in love with her," I interrupt him. He starts blushing, "Well, hehehehe," he brushes like crazy and has a weird, creepy laugh.

I don't know why, but hearing he's in love with Sumire, it's just pissing me off more.

"Then why'd you kidnap me? I ask, still pissed. I'm glad he didn't get Sumire, but it doesn't make any sense.

"Don't play stupid, I know Sumire is in love with you," Magire says, mad and clutching his fists.

I was taken back, 'what? There's no way someone like Sumire could never love with like me,'

"What the hell are you talking about? Sumire isn't in love with me," I say with him still standing above me.

"I've been, um, interest in Sumire for some time now, the way she acts with you, the way she treats you, the way she laughs with you, IT'S PISSING ME OFF, THAT SOUNLD BE ME, NOW A DISRESPECTFUL, LITTLE BRAT LIKE YOU," Magire says getting louder and louder until his yelling at the top of his lungs.

'But, I don't get it, why? When you first met, we fought, and I kicked her into a wall. Sure, I've become friends seen then, but why?' I questioned.

"If you love Sumire and hate me, then why'd you take me and not her?" I asked.

"You really don't know anything about love, do you?" He says.

"I want Sumire to come to me. It will show that she wants to come to me, and she will love me," Magire says.

This guy is insane. Just because Sumire comes here doesn't mean she loves him.

Naruto's P.O.V

We all leave my office and start heading to the old mining tunnels. We get just outside the tunnels.

I have Sai sketch a rat and go into the tunnel. The rat comes back.
"Himawari is in there, but Magire isn't," he says. "It could be a trap," Shikamaru says.

"We can handle a kid," Tenten says.

"Yeah," Ino says.

"Let's go, but be cautious," I say. Before I go into the tunnel, I make a shadow clone and use the transformation jutsu to make it look like Sumire. 

We all run in. Tenten, Sakura and I go to Himawari, who is sitting on the ground crying with her hands tied behind her back and a blindfold over her head, when everyone else look around and try to find Magire.

Tenten unties Himawari and Sakura take off the blindfold. "Daddy," Himawari says, crying and jumps into my arms.

"It's ok, princess, I got you, you save now," I says, picking her up.

"I can't pick up his scent," Kiba says, and Akamaru makes a sad noise.

"He told me to tell you, she doesn't care about me as much as she cares about him," Himawari says, bringing her head up and then back down.

"What does that mean? who's he?" Ino asks.

"Does Sumire have a boyfriend or something?" Sakura asks.

"No, not that I know of," I say, trying to think of who Magire could be talking about.

"Hinata told me the other day, she walked into Kawaki's room to tell him something and Sumire was asleep in his lap and Kawaki was playing with her hair," Sakura says leaving me shocked.

Who would have thought, Sumire and Kawaki. "That could be it. Where are there?" Shikamaru asks.

"There's at my house," I state.

"Ok, let's get going," Shiro says. We all run out of the tunnel and say, heading to my house.

Sumire's P.O.V

I look all around, I can't find Kawaki.

I jump off the rooftops and into a alley way, in the back wall. did something happen? He didn't just leave, right?

I start running out of the alley, As I run a Kunai knife, I fly past my face and hit the wall behind me. I quickly stop in my tracks.

The knife has a note on it, I look to where the knife comes from by seeing no one.

I take the note, 'come to the caves behind the Hokages stone wall faces alone or Kawaki will die,' my heart drops he can't die. 

'No, Damnit, what was I thinking, I shouldn't have come out here. This is all my fault,' I kicked a box that was on the ground.

I lean against the wall behind and slide down. I feel tears fall down my face and onto my knees.

"I can't lose you too," I whisper to myself, hinding my face in my knees.

After I had a couple of seconds, I quickly stood up. I smack my cheeks hard.

'I'm not going to let you die,' I wip the tears and jump up onto the roof, running to the cave behind the Hokages stone wall. 

'Should I tell Lord Seventh, Magire told me to go alone,' I think as I run. 'No, I don't have time, and there just try to stop me,' I just keep running.

Words: 1056

The Invisible Ninja : Sumire x Kawaki Where stories live. Discover now