Put Me Down!!!

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Sumire's P.O.V

I know where Kawaki's going. He must be going to my house to try to find Magire. I run to my house.

As I'm running, I get closer to my house when suddenly I feel myself getting picked up. I close my eyes in fear.

It feels like someone is carrying me when running. "Put me down, put me DOWN," I yell as I hit whoever's carrying me with my eyes still closed.

"It's me," I hear a familiar voice say. I finally open my eyes and see Kawaki.

"You scared me," I say. Kawaki is carrying me bridged style when running across rooftops.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Me, what are you doing?" I hiss back.

"You when to find Magire, didn't you," I say.

"And?" He says, still jumping across buildings. "Now, what are you doing?" He asks.

"I went to find you," I say, looking to where Kawaki is running with me still in his arms.

"That was stupid," he says.

"I was the stupid one!" I say shocked.

"Yes! Magire or what the hell his name is, was looking at you from a rooftop, I saw him," Kawaki says, leaving me shocked.

We get back to Boruto's house, and we see Mrs, Uzumaki, and Lord Seventh outside the house talking.

Kawaki jumps down in front of the house. The two of them look surprised as Kawaki sets me down. 

"What the hell were you two thinking?" Lord Seventh asks as he and Hinata walk to us.

"I saw Magire spying on Sumire from the rooftops," Kawaki says, changing the subject.

Mrs. Uzumaki takes a deep breath, and Lord Seventh just looks at us. "Come on," Mrs. Uzumaki says as they both walk into the house.

Kawaki and I look at each other nervously before walking into the house.

We go into Kawaki's room. Kawaki and I sit on his bed as Mrs. Uzumaki and Lord Seventh talk outside the door.

"What do you think they are saying?" Kawaki asks as he leans against the back wall on the head of the bed with his hands behind his head and eyes closed.

"Probably saying how stupid you were," I say, sitting on the feet of the bed on the edge.

"Well, sorry for trying to protect you," he hisses at me, sitting up and mad.

"Why is this so important to you?" I ask caimly.

"Uh, I, uh," he gets flustered and can't make out a sentence. He's about to say something when the door opens.

We both look at them, Mrs. Uzumaki and Lord Seventh standing in the door frame.

"We will talk in the morning," Lord Seventh says "for now Sumire you will still be here, you two and Boruto can figure you some kind of sleeping arrangement," Mrs, Uzumaki says.

They both leave, and Kawaki and I just sit on his bed, staring at each other.

I little while later, after just staring at each other, we hear the door open. We both look over and see Boruto.

"Wow, you guys really made them mad," Boruto laughs, shutting the door behind him.

I stay silent, but Kawaki makes a grunting sound as he closes his eyes and leans against the back wall with his hands behind his head again.

"So what happened?" Boruto asks.

Kawaki opens his eyes, "I when to Sumire's house, there's was a Kunai knife in the kitchen wall,-"

"the one I throw at him when I leave," I say. Kawaki nods,

"everything looks like he was never there... besides," Boruto and I both look at him nervously.

"Your room, all your clothes were pulled out of your dresser and closet, all over your floor and bed," Kawaki says.

"What the hell?" Boruto says as I sit there creeped out.

Kawaki's P.O.V

After I told Sumire and Boruto what happened, they both looked shocked and creeped out.

Sumire moves from the edge of the bed to the back leaning against the wall, and Boruto sits down where she is sitting.

"Not only that, but there was a photo of us, Sarada, Melt, Mitsuki, Shikadai, and some of the other girls. All of the guys were ripped out of the photo, and the other girls had X's on them," I say.

Boruto looks pissed as am I, and Sumire looks sacred. "It's like he only has eyes for Sumire,"

"and he does what any other guy to have her," Boruto and I say.

Sumire's eyes winded, "What is it?" I ask her.

"It's so obvious," Boruto says, hitting his head with his hand.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"He has a crush on her," Boruto says. 'A crush?'

"You'll be damn before I went him crush her," I say pissed.

"No, that's don't what a crush is," Boruto says.

"What?" I say confused.

"He has roommate feels for me," Sumire says, blushing.

"What!!!!" I yell more pissed than before and sit up.

"What's all the yelling?" Hinata asks, walking into my room.

"Sorry," Sumire says, standing up and bowing.

"It's nothing, mom, but we think Magire does a crush on Sumire," Boruto says, and Sumire sits back down on the foot of the bed.

Hinata starts to think. "It is a prospect," Hinata says.

"We will talk about this more in the morning," Hinata says, leaving.

"Well, where are we sleeping?" Boruto asks us.

"I can sleep in the living room," Sumire says.

"No, you can have my room, I'll sleep with Boruto," I say.

"Ok, then," Boruto says, standing up.

"We should get to sleep," Boruto says.

"Whatever," I say. Boruto walks out, leaving me with Sumire. She looks exhausted and a little scared. "Hey," I say.

"Uh," she says, looking up at me.

"Relax, I'm not going to go him anywhere near you, promise," I say. She smiled at me.

"Thank you," she says, smiling. I nod my head before walking out.

Words: 986

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