But what to you love me

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Sumire's P.O.V

After Kawaki tells me he loves me, I turn around to face him. I smile as I sit up.

Kawaki sits up, too. He moves his hand from my waist to hand.

I look at his lips, wanting to kiss him. He notices me looking at his lips and moving closer to me.

He leaned forward and I did the same. Our lips are inches away. He moved his hand that was holding mine to the side of my face as we both slowly closed our eyes before our lips touched.

We both pull away and look at each other before we kiss again. I move my hand up to my face and hold Kawaki's hand.

Kawaki pulls me closer. Kawaki and I both pull away to breathe. We both smile and laugh, I hug Kawaki tightly, making him fall back with me on top of him.

We move into a more comfortable position. Kawaki is sitting up against the wall with me in between his legs, resting my head on his chest while he plays with my hair that is still down from early.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" He says.

"Yeah," I say not thinking anything of it.

"What do you love me?" He asks.

"What?" I say surprised and confused.

"I mean, I'm not the best person, and I'm a jerk," he says.

"What," I say, surprised and sitting up.

"No, you're not," I say.

"Yes, I am. When we first met, I blasted you into a wall," Kawaki says.

"Yeah, after I throw you onto the floor," I say, putting my hand on his knee

"your sweet and kind... and tho you try to hind it your compassion... and I love how you get overprotective,... and when you comfort me," I say, cupping the side of Kawaki's face while the sun shines through the blinds.

"Kawaki, I love you because you're an amazing person," I say, blushing. Kawaki looks at me before pulling me closer and kissing me.

"I could say a sappy speech about why I love you too, but it avoids why," Kawaki says, pulling away. I laugh as I lay back on him.

"So does think mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" I ask to play with Kawaki's hand, rubbing circles into it. Kawaki laughs.

"Yeah, I thought that was pretty obvious," Kawaki laughs. I smile as I blush.

"We should get some sleep," Kawaki says, kissing the top of my head while playing with my hair.

I smile at Kawaki's touch while I melt into the hug. I close my eyes as I feel my eyes get heavier.

Hinata's P.O.V

About an hour after Sakura and Ino leave, Naruto comes back home. "Hey," he says, walking into my kitchen while I make breakfast.

"How'd everything go?" I asked.

"We find Magire's body under the rubble. He's dead," Naruto says and signs.

"Where's Sumire and Kawaki?" He asks, grabbing a water out of the fridge and sitting down at the table.

"They're asleep in Kawaki's room," I say grabbing plates. Naruto stands up to help me.

"And how's Himawari?" Naruto asks. "She was pretty shaken up but she's a strong young lady," I say, putting the eggs on the two plates.

"She's her mother's daughter," Naruto says, getting me a kiss on the cheek before grabbing milk from the fridge.

After Naruto and I were done talking, Himawari came down the stairs. "Speak of the little devil, how are you?" Naruto asks, nerveling down to her.

"I think I would feel much better if I had cake for breakfast," Himawari says with her cute little innocent face.

"How about I get you the next best thing?" I say as she sits in her chair. I set a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast.

"I'll start making the pancakes," I say.

Kawaki's P.O.V

I wake up with the sun on my face. As I remember everything that happened, I remember how I told Sumire my feelings.

I can't believe I told her, I can't believe she loves me back. As I think about everything, I feel someone moving in my bed.

I look down and see a sleeping Sumire, in my arms. I remember when we felt awake. We've moved in our sleep, we're both on our sides facing each other.

Sumires face is in my chest, and her arms are wrapped around my waist. I have one arm on her head, wrapped in her hair and the other on her back.

She looks so cute, I kiss the top of her head and hug her. I feel her move a bit, I look down and see her eyes start to open.

"Good morning," I see looking at the time and see it's 11. So we got about 3 or 4 hours of sleep. She looks up at me with a smile.

"Good morning," Sumire says, digging her head into my chest.

"We should get up and eat something," I say.

"I just want to stay like this," Sumire says.

"Me too, but you should eat something after the night we've had," I say.

"Fine," she says, letting go of me and standing up.

Sumire's P.O.V

After I get dressed in Kawaki's room and Kawaki gets dressed in the bathroom, Kawaki and I go downstairs to get something to eat.

We see Lord Seventh, Himawari, and Hinata at the dinner eating. "How are you guys?" Naruto asks. I stand in front of the table.

"I am so sorry for the trouble I caused," I bow. 

"I am so sorry for putting Himawari in danger,".

"Please, dear, raise your head," Hinata says. "Nun of this is your fault," Lord Seventh says.

Kawaki puts his hand on my shoulder as I raise my head. "It doesn't mean anymore, Magire is dead," Lord Seventh says.

"Thank god," Kawaki says, and I nod.

After we all settle down and eat, Kawaki and I go back into Kawaki's room.

I look into Kawaki's mirror and start to braid my hair. Once I'm done, I see Kawaki come up behind me and feel him kiss the back of my neck.

He wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder. I move my hand up to his hair. I wish we could stay like this.

We hear the door open, and Kawaki slowly lets go of me. We see Lord Seventh, "uh, I am interrupting something," he asks.

"No," I say.

"I had your house cleaned up, your clothes and other damages done by Magire," Lord Seventh says.

"Thank you," I say, bowing. Lord Seventh leaves, and Kawaki sits down on the bed, in the back corner.

"I should go home," I say, sitting next to Kawaki.

"Ok," he says, kissing me.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I say.

"What's going on tomorrow?" He asks.

"We're all having a game night at Sarada's. Her mom will be out of the village and said it was ok," I explain.

"You and Boruto are going, right?" I ask.

"Yeah, we'll be there," Kacchan says, giving me one more kiss before I leave and start walking back to my house.

Words: 1195

The Invisible Ninja : Sumire x Kawaki Where stories live. Discover now