Good Morning

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Sumire's P.O.V

I sit up in bed thinking. I look out the window and see the full moon.

It's beautiful, that's when I get the feeling of something watching me again.

A cold shiver goes up my spine. I shut the window and look around the room. I slowly get out of bed and open the door.

I walk over to Kawaki's room and quietly knock on his room. I hear something on the other side, and then the door opens.

Kawaki is wearing a black tank top and gray sweat pants. He immediately starts blushing when he sees me as do I.

Kawaki's P.O.V

I'm laying in bed as I try to sleep. I hear a knock on the door. I stubby as I get out of bed and open the door.

I see Sumire. She's wearing shorts and a tank top with some of her stomach showing. '

She looks so hot,' I think as I start blushing like crazy. "Uh, are you ok? Do you need something?" I ask, looking down, trying not to look at her.

"Um, can I come it?" She asks with her hands behind her back and slightly blushing, making me blush more.

"Uh, sure, is something wrong?" I ask as I move out of the way, and she walks in.

"I think he was outside my window," she says nervously as she sits in a chair.

"Damnit," I say as I sit in bed with my legs off the bed looking at her.

"At least you're not home alone," I say, she nervously laughs.

"You can sit in bed if you want," I offer.

"Um, sure," she says, blushing.

I move over closer to the bed, and she sits next to me. "Thank you for everything," she says, blushing.

"Don't worry about it," I say, looking out the window.

"Can I ask you a question, and you don't have to answer it?" I ask, looking over to her.

"Um, sure," She says nervously.

"Why don't your parents live with you?" I ask.

"My parents are dead. If they were still here, I think I would live with them, well... at least my mom," she says, thinking and looking out the window again.

I look over to her, and she looks sad and is looking down, "I'm sorry, never mind," I quickly say.

"No, it's fine," she says, shaking her hands and heading at me.

"My mother... grow ill and pass, and my father, let's just say... he is a very bad person," she says, upset.

"I'm sorry, my mom died the time I was born... and my dad was a drunk," I tell her.

"I'm sorry, my father, he-"

"you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, to be honest, I don't really know why I told you about my past," I say confused.

"It's ok, my father tried-did,... turned me into a weapon capable of destroying the Leaf Village," she says. I'm looking at her surprised.

"What?" I say,

"I try too, Boruto brings me back to the right path... I still have the scar from when my father burned my back to place a seal that made a dark focus take over my way of thinking," Sumire says.

"I'm... sorry," I say, surprised and not knowing what to say.

"It's not your fault," she says, smiling at me.

'This girl is unbelievable,' I think. As we talk, we get a weird feeling, and he's watching.

I look out the window. I notice a shrug figure on a rooftop across from us. I close the blinds.

"You saw him too," she says, burying her face into her knees. I make a hum noise back.

"How long has this been going on?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, I first noticed him about a week ago... I didn't think anything of it at the time, until yesterday," she says unset, still looking into her knees.

"I swear when I find this son of an," I say, angry and clutching my fist.

"Please, just don't kill anyone because of me," she says, looking at me and kind of smiling.

I laugh as I lean my head against the back wall. After a little while of neither of us saying anything, I feel something on my lay.

I look down. I see Sumire's head laying on my lap, facing away from me.

She's asleep, 'you much have been so exhausted,' I say, moving some hair out of her face.

As I look at the pretty purple flower on my lap, I feel my eyes get heavier and lean my head against the back wall as I fall asleep.

Sumire's P.O.V

When I open my eyes and see the sunlight shining through closed blinds, a blanket slightly over me.

That's when I remember where I am. I freak out and shoot up.

"You finally awake," I hear someone say. I looked over and saw Kawaki, I was lying on his lap!!!!!!

He's laying beside me slightly blushing, 'was he waiting for me to wake up?'.

"I am so sorry," I say, getting out of bed, bowing and blushing.

"Don't worry about it," he says, blushing as he gets out of bed.

"Hinata said to stop by your place before school so you can grab something," he says, going over to his dresser, grabbing clothes, and walking out.

I follow him out, and he walks to the bathroom. I see Himawari walking out of her room.

"Class Rup, what are you doing here?" She asks, smiling and walking over to me.

"I stayed here last night," I say also smiling as we start to walk downstairs.

"I didn't know you were here,"

"I come when you were asleep," We say smiling and walking into the kitchen where Mrs, Uzumaki setting down places of rice, fish, and Miso soup.

"Good morning, mom,"

"Good morning, Mrs, Uzumaki," we say, sitting down.

"Good morning, dears," she says, smiling and handing us our places.

"Where's Kawaki?" Mrs, Uzumaki asks.

"I think he's getting dressed," I say.

"Morning," Kawaki says, walking downstairs and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Morning," we all say at the same time.

"After we two are done eating, go to Sumire's house so she can get ready," Mrs, Uzumaki says to Kawaki and me as she sits down.

We both nod, and everyone starts eating.

Kawaki's P.O.V

Sumire and I get done eating before everyone else. We thank Hinata and put our plates in the sink.

I go upstairs and grab a shirt for Sumire to throw over her tank top as we walk to her house.

"Here," I say, handing her an all-black shirt.

"Thank you," she says quickly, throwing it over her tank top. It's pretty big on her and goes down to her knees.

I blush as I look at her. "Uh, l-lets get going," I say, putting on my jacket.

I hand her one of my other jackets as we walk out of the house and start heading to her place.

Words: 1176

The Invisible Ninja : Sumire x Kawaki Where stories live. Discover now