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Sumire's P.O.V

I walk home and unlock my door. I take off Kawaki's jacket and set the bag of my clothes on the dining table.

I walk over to the bathroom and am about it unbraied my hair when I hear something in my room.

I slowly and quietly walk to my room. I slightly open the door. My eyes winded and didn't know what to do.

The guy looks at me, I quickly shut the door and start running towards the front door.

I hear my bedroom door open. I quickly throw a Kunai knife at him. I don't stay or look to see if I hit him, I just run out of my house.

I run and run, not knowing where to go. I realize I'm running towards Boruto's and Kawaki's house.

I quickly run into their yard. I start banging on the door. Boruto opens the door, and I see Himawari walking towards us.

Boruto could tell something wrong with how I was banging on the door and how I was out of breath. "Himawari, go upstairs, get Kawaki," Boruto says.

Himawari looks kind of confused but walks upstairs. "What is?" He asks, worried.

I walk inside, and he quickly shuts and locks the door. Kawaki comes running downstairs in a panic.

"What happened?" He asks, running to me.

"What's all the commotion?" Mrs, Uzumaki says as she comes from the living room.

She sees me, "Oh, dear," she says as if she knows what happened. "Come on," she brings me to the living room and sits down with me on the couch.

Kawaki's P.O.V

"What happened?" I ask pissed as Boruto and I sit on the couch across from Hinata and Sumire.

"He was in my room," Sumire says frightened. Everyone looks surprised, I'm just pissed, I want to kill whoever is doing this to her.

"What!?!?" Boruto yells. "Boruto quit yelling," Hinata hissed at him.

"Did you get a good look at him?" Hinata asks Sunire claim.

"Yeah... I recognize him," she says.

I stand up in auger and surprise. "Who?" I ask.

"Kawaki, please, calm down," Hinata says.

"What do you mean, calm down, her stalker is someone she knows," I say pissed but trying not to yell at Hinata.

"Kawaki," Sumire says, looking up at me. I take a breath and sit back down.

"Who is he?" Boruto asks.

"His name is Magire, I think. He moved in next to me about a month ago," Sumire says.

"I'm calling Naruto," Hinata says, standing up. She walks into the kitchen and to the phone.

A little while later, we hear the door unlocking. Naruto walks in, he eyes us as he walks into the kitchen to where Hinata is.

We hear whispers. About two or three minutes later, Naruto and Hinata come into the living room.

"Can you please come with me," Naruto asks Sunire. She looks nervous.

"we're just going to talk in another room," Hinata says.

She nods and stands up. They walk upstairs.

Sumire's P.O.V

Lord Seventh, Mrs, Uzumaki, and I walk upstairs and into what I think is their room. They sit me down on their bed.

Lord Seventh starts asking me questions. "How long has he been following you?".

"Um, I'm not sure, I first noticed about a week or so ago," I explain.

"You said you know him," Naruto says.

"Yeah, he's my neighbor, his name's Magire," I told them. They look at each other before Lord Seventh says,

"I'll look into it, for now, you'll stay here,".

"We can figure out which room you'll stay in," Mr, Uzumaki says. I nod, and we all walk back downstairs to the boys.

We walk into the living room and only see Boruto. "Where's Kawaki?" Hinata asks.

"He's in the bathroom," Boruto says. Lord Seventh walks towards the bathroom door.

"Kawaki," he says, knocking on the door but no answer. Lord Seventh and Mrs Uzumaki look at each other with the same worried face.

Lord Seventh tries to open the door, but it's locked. I look over to Boruto, who is now standing beside me.

He looks back at me and gets me one of those 'dammit faces. Lord Seventh busts the door open, breaking the door.

Boruto and I quickly go over to the bathroom. The four of us are looking into the bathroom.

Kawaki is gone, and a small window is open. "Damnit, Kawaki," Boruto says.

"He must have left when-" Lord Seventh says, but I quickly run out of the house before he can finish talking.

Words: 756

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