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Sumire's P.O.V

I walk out of Kawaki's house wearing his shirt and jacket. His clothes are pretty big on me and I can tell Kawaki is blushing.

We get to my house. I unlock the door and we go to the living room. I walk into my room to change and Kawaki stays in the living room.

When I walk into my room I notice the window is open. "Kawaki!" I yell.

"What is it?" Kawaki says with a worried tone as he runs into the room.

"That window was locked when I left," I say. He walks over to the window and looks out.

"There's nothing," He says shutting and locking it.

"Hurry up and get dressed," he says shutting the blinds and walking out of my room.

I quickly get dressed into my normal clothes. I put Kawaki's clothes on my bed as I get dressed.

I'm about to walk out when I look at his clothes. I pick up Kawaki's jacket and put it on.

"Ok, let's go," I say walking out of my room. I see him sitting on my couch with his eyes closed.

"Finally," he says standing up and opening his eyes.

He starts blushing when he opens his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" I ask nervely.

"N-no it's nothing," he says.

"Let's go," Kawaki says walking to the door.

We start walking to the lake where Boruto, Sarada, and our other friends are supposed to hang out.

As we walk over a bridge we hear someone say both our names.

"Class Rup! Kawaki!" We hear. We both look behind us and see Boruto, Shikadai, and Mitsuki walking towards us.

"Hello," I say smiling.


"Hello," Boruto and Mitsuki say.

"Sarada and Chocho are already there," Mitsuki says smiling. We all start walking to the lake.

Kawaki's P.O.V

When we get there we see Sarada, Chocho, and some others sitting or fishing.

We walk over and put our food and other bags down.



"Good morning," we all hear as we walk over to them. Sumire sits with her friends on a blanket.

She smiles as she walks to them. Boruto and I walk over to the lake with some of his friends.

As we walk I notice Boruto handing a bag. "What's that?" I ask him. He looks down, it looks like he forgot he was handing it.

"Oh, yeah," he says. I watch him as he walks to Sumire and hand her the bag. She looks embarrassed as she grabs it.

Boruto walks back over to us and grabs his fishing pole. "What was that about?" I ask him.

"Mom asked me to give it to her," he says. I look at him kind of confused as he casts his poll.

I sit on the grass watching the boys fish. I don't know how to fish and don't care to learn.

After I while I get bored and stand up. I walk over to the girls who are playing games, doing target practice, etc.

I walk over to where Sumire is throwing Kunai knives with the other girls. I watch as the girls throw their knife at the target one by one.

The Invisible Ninja : Sumire x Kawaki Where stories live. Discover now