Chapter 1

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What a day, getting sent up to look into a bogey sighting around our aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, Myself and my RIO (Radar intercept officer) Mark William who we all call BullDog because he is big and he likes to bark orders at people even if they are ranked higher than him, My good friend Pete Mitchell aka Maverick, and his trusted RIO who happened to be my big brother Nick Bradshaw knows as Goose or Goosie as I like to call him, we also had Cougar and his RIO Merlin,

It was meant to be a simple go up and have a looked but it turned into an almost dog fight with two MiG-28 one of which locking on to me with a missile but didn't shoot like they were playing with us wanting to see what we would do, I won't lie I was tempted to blow them out the sky but our orders was to not fire unless fired upon, with some fast-moving and sharp turning I got the Mig off me only for it to head for Cougar, Who did not do so well, one moment he calm the next he panicking calling for Maverick and me to get in and help,

I got a missile lock on them just like they did with me as Maverick took the moment to have a little fun inverting his jet over the Mig, not long after that it was flying off home, and we got the call to head home too, only Couger was not responding, he was silent, all I could head was his heavy breathing as his RIO told us he messed up,

I had lander first and taxied over to the side as Maverick was coming into land but at the last moment he pulled back up something I know he was going to get his ass chowed out for later, I stood on deck Bulldog next to me as we watch Mav and Couger come flying in Couger flying dangerously low before pulling up last second lading on the deck of the ship.

Now here I and BullDog stand outside the big mans Stinger's office waiting for him to call us inside as Maverick and Goose stand on the other side Sweating from how hot it is inside this carrier, Couger had not long gone in before us, I could head voices but could not make out what they were saying,

"Why do you think we are here? we landed, we did our orders"

BullDog asked standing tall next to me as I had my back on the wall slouching a little, as I chowed on my lip not feeling worried.

"Relax it's probably just a briefing and to ask what went on up there, nothing to be worried about"

I commented not bothering to look at him, but looked over at Goose and Maverick who both looked at me Goose smiling and Maverick giving me a wink,

"Yeah you two will be fine, it's more like me a Mav here that are going to get told off after going back up to help Couger"

Goose points out, BullDog lets out a small laugh.

"When are you too not getting into trouble over the shit Maverick does"

BullDog has been my RIO for two years now, and I trust him but sometimes he can piss me off with his comments about Maverick, I stand up tall letting out a small huff of air from my nose before elbowing BullDog in the rips softly, but he acts as if I did it hard, making me roll my eyes at him,

"I think what Mav Did was kind, Couger needed a little help, ok, and I would hope that if that ever happens to me, he do the same for me,"

I tell BullDog who just looks down at me, making a face of slite disapproval, which confused me a little more than I have already been with him lately, he has been acting differently he is not his same funny self finding things funny, he stiffer now, I was about to say something else when the door open, and Couger walked out, Goose called to him but all Couger said was 'Thank Maverick' with a node,

Before anyone could ask him more all our names were called to get in the room and he did not sound happy at all, we all turned to walk in the door when Mav stopped and said Lady first getting a laugh from Goose and a shove in the shoulder from me as I opened the door, I know Mav was not being a 100% Gentleman like, he just did not wanna walk in that room first, No of us did,

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