Chapter 3

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The rest of the day was going well, we had a sit-down class on Air combat maneuvering then left to study, which is my favorite part of just sitting down with a textbook and making notes.

Sitting in an almost quiet room the only sounds you could hear were the fans in the room cooling us all down in the hot weather, the sound of Jets coming and going throw the small cracks in the open windows as well as people's small whispering, I sat at a table by myself, I had made room for BullDog to come and sit next to me so we could go over stuff together, but when he came in he just walked right passed me to the back of the classroom were his friends from this morning were talking and smoking, I had a funny feeling this is going to be a recurring thing, not that I make him sit next to me but it's nice to talk to your RIO about stuff so you know your both still on the same page were your up in the Sky.

Mav and Goose were behind me doing Mav and Goose thing, which is to work for a little, draw funny things on each other notebooks, eat where ever snacks they stuffed into their pockets, joke about stuff then work some more,

I sat with books around me on the table my notebook open at a diagonal I could never wright with it being straight, A pen in my left hand, and my head resting on my right hand as I worked out what maneuver I would take to evade a bandit incoming attack from behind, I could not pick from a Split S or a barrel roll, I just sat looking at both scenarios scrunching my nose in annoyance that I could not pick which one.

I was so into my thoughts that I did not heave movement behind me,

"I'd go for the Split S"

Mav's voice said very close to my ears making me jump in my set, placing a hand over my heart,

"Easy there Tiger, it's just me"

Mav laughed but soon stopped when my elbow made contact with his gut, he let out a small hurt sound placing his hand on his gut, bowing his head, I just gave him a side-eye knowing he was faking it so I was not going to give into him, after a moment he lifted his head with that big smile of his painted over his face,

I just shook my head and went back to my work, as Mav moved closer leaning over me tilting his head to the side as he read over my notes, then nodded his head, pointing his finger at one of the diagrams I had drawn,

"If they are coming at you from that angle doing a Split S into a low Yo-Yo that will bring you right behind them if they have not ruined or being you face to face with them"

Mav commented as I watched his finger dance around on my page, this time it was my turn to nod my head in understanding of what he was saying,

"From there if they are coming at me, I can move into a one Circle flow, I can turn faster which means I can get off a good shot before they can"

I added, Drawing out what I had in mind, it's amazing what another set of eyes can do for you, I turned to thank him, seeing he was still very close to me and I won't lie am so happy this room is very hot, my already red and sweaty face covering up the blush on my cheeks,

I and Mav have been good friends for a long time, and people think we are brother and sister but Mav can be a flirt and I know he does it for fun sometimes, but it is hard not to fall for him and I have many times but moved on.

However this time has not been easy, but I don't wanna say anything I love our friendship, and I love his friendship with my brother, I don't wanna ruin that by telling him how much of a love-struck puppy I am, also it's against the rules to date someone in the same squadron you are in.

As if feeling my eyes on him Mav turned his face to look at me, smiling from ear to ear he then node his head backward.

"I see BullDog made some new friends"

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