Chapter 4

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As the night went one was on my third glass of cola and the boys on their second bottle of beer, nothing much was happening we were just having a good time, laughing, joking talking to some of the other pilots finding out that not all of them are big dickhead such as Slider and Iceman,

"All right the bet is $20"

Goose called out after we were just sitting for a little bit, I forgot all about this bet thing the boys have made up for themselves.

"You have to have carnal knowledge, of a lady this time, On the Premises"

Goose informed Mav who just repeated whatever Goose was saying, I stayed out of it's got nothing to do with me but it was fun to watch, I'll give them that. I could see Mav looking around the room before looking at me, giving me a goofy smile as he leaned on the Bar

"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"

All I could do was laugh as Goose told him off, would have been the easiest $20 of his life.

"Not Her Mav, that does not count, just no"

Letting Goose pull him away Mav just smiled before looking around the room again, then nodded his head over to the other die of the Bar where a woman sat in a pink cardigan with a white polo shirt under it, blonde slightly curly bobbed hair, she looked pretty.

"What happens if I lose?"

Mav then asked making me chuckle like he was going to lose, any woman would happily pull him home with them, Goose looked at him then looked up at the roof thinking of something,

"You by the next round of drinks"

Was Goose's answer, not much of a bad thing to happen, Mav then took a big mouth full of his beer before patting us both on the back and moving in for the kill.

I watched him walk around the bar coming up to the side of the woman saying something to her, making her smile, and waving her hand to the set next to her which Mav then took, I watched them talk for sometime before feeling like someone was watching me looking to my side I saw Goose looking at me,


I asked him trying to work out why he was looking at me and not watching Mav.

"Am just waiting for the day that you and Mav stop doing this dance you both have going on",

My eyes widened at his comment, thinking I had covered up any and all feeling I had for Mav so no one would see, but I guess you can never cover anything up from your brother, they are like mothers they always know, I guess since I did not say anything back Goose kept taking,

"I know you're going to say there's nothing there, but am not blind or stupid Rosie, no matter what you, Mav, or my wife says, I can see it, Carole can see it she always asks in her letter and phone calls if you two have finally gone for it and I have to keep telling her no, they're stupid,"

He stopped talking to take a sip of his drink, looking away from me to Mav.

"You've not dated anyone since, god I can't even remember, and Him, all he does is have one-night stands, and even if he does get a girlfriend they only last a week if not less, take blondie over there, he probably just going to have a one night stand and then forget all about her,"

Taking in a beath breath thinking of my words very carefully to try and lie my way out of all of this,

"Goosie there is nothing, me and Mav are not dancing around anything, Hell if Mav even likes me, why would he wanna go out on dates and sleep with other women, would he not be trying to get it on with me? Also if you want me and Mav to get together then why did you pull him away when he make that cheesy comment before when you made the bet"

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