Chapter 11

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Oh my is this a Chapter 11 I see, Sorry it took so long, ALSO the end of this chapter gets a little heated, not too much but I thought I say something.


The ride to the fair was relatively peaceful. Not only that, but Mav was going slower than he usually would, and it made it even better having longer to take in the sites of the sea as we passed by. I had my head on Mav's shoulder. Now and then, I would give his cheek a small kiss making him smile happily. At some point, one of Mav's hands made its home on my knee, It was worrying at first knowing he was driving with one hand, but I trusted him.

The fair was set up in a big car park overlooking the beach. Mav decided to park in Bar cark park, just a little down from the fair, knowing it would be easier. We also spotted Goose's car as we pulled in, smiling to myself at how sometimes he and Mav can have the same brain without even needing to be in the same room or Jet.

Grouping up, we all made out way to the Fair. Goose and Carole walked ahead of me and Mav with Bradley between them, holding his hands now and then winging him forward as I walked next to Mav, our arms around each other waist, his hand sitting on my hip as mine slipped into this back pocket of his jeans. My head was resting on his shoulder,

When getting to the ticket stand, Gose refused to let me and Mav pay for our ticket, saying he was paying for Family day out and that finally, knowing we could not win, we just let him be, Mav whispering he put the money in his wallet when he was not looking.

It was hard to keep Bradley in one place. He wanted to try everything at the same time. The first thing he wanted to go on was the bumper cars, pulling Goose over to the waiting line, Mav looking down at me silently asking me if I wanted a go, to which I shook my head,

"No thanks, I have never liked bumper cars. Everyone is aggressive, and I never feel like I am in control."

I commented, I know it's Bumper cars, and you're meant to bump into people, but I always felt like people forget what a bump is and just got for a full-on Ram. Carole then came up beside us after watching Goose and Bradley get into a two-seter car,

"I give it up, Mav. She not going to go on any of the rides."

She told him a little load over the load music that was next to us,

"I take that as a Challenge."

Mav commenced back, making us laugh as I bumped his hip with my own. I watched as Goose and Bradley zoomed around the ring, bumping into other people's cars. Even over the loud music and people talking, I could hear Bradley's laugh, and it was music to my ears,

We spent more of the day walking around, letting Bradley pick what ride he wanted to go on, within reason to his age and height. I stood on the side and watched as the four of them went on a rollercoaster. Mav tried his hardest to get me to go on with them, offering to teach me how to ride his bike, to buy me anything I wanted, even with kisses, but the answer was No. I did feel a little bad seeing the small hurt look on his face when he realized he was not going to win.

Watching them made me laugh as they zoomed around, Carole and Bradley in the front seats of the first car. She had her arms around Bradley just to be on the safe side as he had his arms up, Matching his Farther and Mav, who sat right behind them, smiling like made men, arms in the air howling like wolfs.

Getting off, I hand back all their stuff. Just before Mav could pick me up and spin me around, making me squeal out of shock,

"Next time am getting you to go on that with me."

He told me in my ear as he put me back on the ground, my hands instantly going to my skirt, making sure it was still down, before hitting him on the chest,

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