Chapter 10

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I woke up to the warm feeling of the sun's heat coming in through the open bedroom window that the bed is next to, along with the soft cooling breeze. I lay with my eyes closed for a moment as I stretch my body out, feeling some aches and pains but the ones that remind you of how good of a night you had.

I Rolled over. I expected to find Mav there, but the bed was empty and cold, telling me he had been gone for some time. But on his pillow, I found an origami Jet of the same style as the one he made to play with Bradley, but much smaller.

I picked it up, smiling as I rolled onto my back, flying the jet in the air coincidentally at the same time a Jet flew over the house. The joy of living on a Navy air base, I played with it a little more in doing so I could see some writing on it, I felt terrible undoing his hard work, but once carefully unfolding it, I found a note inside,

Out getting the Bike some fuel, I didn't want to wake you. You looked too beautiful.

And Sexy

The smile on my face grew, reading his words. I don't regret jumping into bed with Mav right after getting together. It just felt like the right thing to do, as well as feeling amazing, I've heard stories from girls that Mav has been with, and I always thought they were just exaggerating things, but no, he is everything they said he is in bed and more.

Turning my head to the side to look at the clock that sat next to the bed seeing that it was almost 10 am, I pulled myself out of bed, wrapping the covers around my naked body, not wanting to walk around naked,

I expected that I would have to pick up my uniform that I had left on the floor yesterday, but Mav had already beaten me to it, folding it up neatly and placing it on top of his dresser, which also had a brown paper bag sitting on it with my Name stuck to it with a sticky note,

Pecking in the bag, I saw folded clothes with a note on top from Carole saying Mav has asked her to put some clothes together for me, with a winky face at the end, placing the message down using one hand, the other still holding the cover to my body,

I pulled out what I thought was a top but turned out to be a sky blue short summer dress with white flowers on the bottom of the skirt. I don't remember owning a dress like this. We have swapped clothes now and then, what sister don't. It's got to be one of her.

I can't remember the last time I put a dress on, but since Carole did take the time to pick it out for me, I should put it on, but to be on the safe side, I'm putting some undershorts on, don't want the wind to lift my skirt and end up doing a Marilyn Monroe. I'm sure Mav won't mind me borrowing some of his.

I was not long dressed and munching on some toast at the kitchen table as I tried to work out how to put the origami Jet back together. It's not as easy as Mav made it out to be. I then heard the familiar sound of Mav's bike pulling up before shutting off. I don't know why I felt nervous. He had seen me in a dress before, yet I thought I needed his approval or opinion on it.

Mav walked in just as I was getting up to put my plait in the sink, stopping dead in his tracks, looking at me like a deer in headlights, before closing the fount door, never taking his eyes off me. I swear this man only owns a small set of clothes, with his blue jeans, cowboy boots, White t-shite, and black button-up shirt, but dame does he always look sexy in them.


"Have I told you how beautiful you are today?"

He asked, walking up to me, sliding his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him, as I loop my arms around his neck, getting on my tip toes to give his lips a small kiss,

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