Chapter 5

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Sorry if this is too long.


I've got this

I let those words fly around my head as I took in deep breaths, the inside of the Jet seemed extra hot today, it could be down to the weather or the fact this is our first test, with Hollywood and Wolfman having already been taken out by Jester,

Leaving Bulldog and me being called up next with Mav and goose as well as Iceman and Slider still to go, I know they all be watching down on the ground, which put even more pressure on me,

"Ok BullDog let's see if we can last longer than HollyWolf"

I speak out to BullDog who sat silently in the back, until now

"Or we take Jester out"

He comments back,

"Yeah, that as well, Are you seeing anything?"

I asked him as I looked around myself to see if I could see Jester with my own eyes, watching him going after Hollywood really showed how fast Jester's Jet was, it won't be easy trying to outrun him, I'll have to think of quick moves and pray.

"Nothing yet"

Looking down I saw I was cruising at 15,000 feet, 5,000 over the hard deck, I was about to turn left to turn around closer to the mountains to see if he was hiding around them when BullDog pipped up

"He on our six and coming in fast"

Before I could do anything Jester zoomed past us on our right side,

"Fucking hell he fast"

What happened after that was the worse shit show of cat and mouse ever, every time I went in for the kill Jester found a way to outmaneuver me, he was not shitting when he said the smaller Jet could move much better, it turned in the air like butter as my F-14 took some time, but I love my girl,

The longer it went or the more I was just wanting Jester just to shoot us down already, I was tempted to just go below the heard deck and get called out, but I kept going,

Bulldog with shout things now and then, sometimes it's fun having a back set driver and sometimes it was not and today it was not the moment he got in the yet he was grumpy but I said nothing, I kept my mouth shut and kept my head in the game, there no place to fighting in the cockpit,

After what felt like forever we lost sight of Jester around the mountains, Looking around me I could not see him any were,

"BullDog, Where the fuck did he go?"

I asked hoping he may have seen him, but all he could tell me was he did not know, turning closer to the mountains in the hops to see if he went to the other side and our Radar was not picking him up throw the rocks just as we levied off on the other side BullDog was yelling at me to turn right and I blindly listened to him, turning sharply not expecting to almost crash into Jester who was coming up on our right side.

"Holy fucking shit"

I shouted out in shock, eyes wide and breathing heavy, that would not go down well crashing into your instructor and possibly killing him, say good buy to any chance of staying in Top Gun and the Navy.

The cockpit was silent for a moment.

"Rose and BullDog are dead"

Jester's voice spoke on the radio, in hearing his words I felt like a weight has been taken off my shoulder and that it was over, did I feel bad that I did not get him, yeah I think anyone would but I felt happy that I lasted as long as I did, a thudding sound took me out of my thoughts,

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