Chapter 2

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I was called back to Stinger's Office for a debriefing on my leaving just before the last meal of the day, finding out that the boys and I were being picked up at 6 Am by a Helo and taken back to land to make out way to Miramar, We also need to be up and ready by 5 am for last any last-minute debriefing, which if done by Stinger it more like his last time to insult us for one thing or another until we are under his command again.

Lights out are at 10 pm but they would like us to get back to our rooms before then, to be ready and waiting for inspection that we are in our rooms. Then you are to go to sleep not taking no doing anything but sleep we are to get our 6 to 7 hours of sleep, but if you are slipping out to go hang with a friend you wait a good half about after inspection, give the office time to go down that hall and be done, then you sleep out with No Boots, Boots give you away.

I had made my way to Mav and Goose's room not long after the inspection had cleared the hall, we never do much, we play cards, we laugh, and we joke around which means taking this piss out of people who annoyed us that day and then we fall asleep, Goose on the top bunk, and Mav and me on the bottom after our normal routine of Him saying he sleeps on the floor and me saying NO get on the bed the floor will do your back in, I'll then wake up an hour before our normal get-up time so I can sneak back to my room but also so I can get a shower since there no Woman's room,

Standing on deck our bags beside us, which is only one small one, you don't need that many clothes you spend almost 24/7 in a flight suit, we waited for the Helo to land, and just like I thought Stinger had some last-minute words.

"Remember Maverick dog shit from Hong Kong, And BullDog keep that girl in line"

He shouted over the loud sound of the Helo rotors blades, I just rolled my eyes under my aviators pretending not to hear what he said, BullDog was the first to get onto the Helo Followed by myself self then Mav and Goose, Traveling by Helo never takes that long, but it is strange being in the air and traveling slower than a Jet.

We took the Helo from the carrier to Sydney Australia then from there took a military plane all the way over to Miramar taking up just over 16 hours to do it, we spent most of our time sleeping, being small I say in the middle, well more like put my legs up on Goose's lap and put my head on Mav's lap to sleep the boys did not mind, Goose likes to sleep with his head leaning on the Window and Mav just sleeps sitting up, he really good at it he does it most times at the back of our briefing early in the morning having me or Goose nug him away when we see it, or we leave him and let whoever is briefing us wake him up.

BullDog, on the other hand, stayed awake because he unlike us three slept the night before, the last thing I saw him doing before falling asleep was reading a book.

After landing in Miramar we headed to our new commanding officer Mike "Viper" Metcalf, who assigned us living accommodation and were told to go and get some rest and to be there first thing in the morning, not that we need anymore resting after sleeping almost all the way here, with them not having any woman accommodations they put me in with Goose since he is my brother so they were not worried about and funny business going on, BullDog he was told he would be bunking with an LT Rick Neven and LTJG Leonard Wolfe.

I was also told there were no woman's showers only a bathroom, so I would have to go in before or after the boys to take a shower after training, which did not bother me it is something I am already doing and it is not like I take to long in the shower anyway, the shower is an in and out you got better thing to be doing than singing in a shower.

The places were nice nothing too fancy, just a place with a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and a place to chill that's all you need, but it is nice having a proper bed one you can scratch out and starfish on, a bonus was Mav lived next door by himself but he probably going to end up being here more than his place.

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