Chapter 9

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It was not that late in the day. The sun was just setting as Mav, and I made it back to mine and Goose, but since Carole and Bradley were staying, I said I would say at Mav, which now makes perfect timing,

I was laughing at one of Mav's silly jokes as we entered the house, finding Goose sitting in the living room reading a book. Carole and Bradley were nowhere to be seen, so I stopped laughing, knowing they were probably sleeping just like Mav had said and did not wanna make them, especially Bradley he can be a light sleeper sometimes,

"Hey, you look happier than you did before."

Goose comments. Mav came up behind me, wrapping his arm around me, pulling me flush to his chest, and placing his chin on my head. Goose looked at us for a moment before his eye went wide, forgetting the book he was reading as he jumped up for the sofa, making what sounded like a yahoo sound. Coming over to hug us both, trapping me in between him and Mav

"Finally, I can't wait to tell Carole about this. She will be so happy that it happened when she was here."

"Oh, No, you are not."

I told him, making him look at me as he pulled away. His smile fell, looking like a sad Puppy.

"What you don't want her to know?"

"I do want her to know Goosie, but I really wanna tell her myself, please. I want this moment with my sister."

Goose nodded his head before giving my forehead a small kiss, before looking at Mav,

"And you, I've already given you the talk, but still."

He said to Mav, pointing his finger at him, trying to look tough, but it was not working, But Mav played a long, putting his hand up in surrender as I just lighting hit Goose in the chest, I know Goose would never really do anything, he loves Mav, and he knows Mav would never do anything,

Pushing myself out from between the boys, I made my way over to my room,

"Are we still going to the bar tonight? I need a good drink."

I called behind me, getting a reply from Goose,

"You don't drink."

"Are you saying Cola is not a good drink?"

I questioned him, making Mav laugh as I heard Goose tell him to shut up.

"What are we doing, Normal clothes or Whites?"

The question was not even out of my mouth for a second before Mav said Whites. I should have known he picked them since he did say I looked sexy in them.

I picked up my Uniform and made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower before we headed out. As I was about to close the door, Mav's face poked in, making me jump a little not hearing him come up the hall,

"I'm going home to get dressed. Then I'll be back."

He told,

"Ok, don't be long. I don't think Goose wants to be out too much tonight. It sounds like he got lost of planes for tomorrow."

I informed him, to which he gave me a small salute before walking away. As he did, I closed the door and was about to turn on the shower when a knock at the door stopped me. Opening it up to see Mav

"I forgot something."


He cut my words off by kissing me. It was only a peck on the lips, but it was enough to stop me from talking and to forget what I was asking, and just as fast as he was there, he was gone, leaving me just standing there,

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