Chapter 7

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I had to split this up into two parts it got too long lol.


There was no need for an alarm clock this morning when I had Goose almost jumping onto my bed, waking me up, chanting over and over again how "They were coming today," they being Carole and Bradley.

Getting outside, I saw Mav standing by his Bike, his tight blue jeans on, white t-shit as standard but this time he put a black button-up shirt on over it, with his Jaket on top of that but left open. He did not want to be late; They were not meant to be here for another four hours. He had me showered and out of the house before I could think of getting anything to eat, telling me we get something to eat at the airport.

"Do I even need to ask you if you wanna take the car with me?"

Goose asked as he walked over to his car, unlocking the diver side door but did not get in, looking at me.

"We'll meet you there, Goose. You don't wanna be late, remember."

Mav called over to him. Goose then hurried into his car, and speeding out of the driveway before slowing down as If remembering the speed campus speed limit. I laughed watching him drive off as I made my way over to Mav,

"He does know they have another four hours till they get here, right?"

Mac asked as I got closer to him. I nodded my head,

"Yeah, but four hours to Goose could go by in one hour when he is this ecstatic."

Mav laughed at my comment, then just looked at me, which seemed to be his favorite thing to do the past couple of days. I had on my blue shorts again with the weather being scorching hot again, a plain white tank top with one of my old white uniform short sleeve shirts on top but left open,

I felt his eyes move down my body before coming back up again,

"Your Dog Tags are out"

Mav tells me, making me look down to see that they were not"

"Made you look"

"What are you, Five?."

He laughed, turning around, swinging his leg over his bike, settling himself down before holding out a hand for me to hold as I mounted his bike behind him. I could feel the hot leather of the set on my skin boy am I going to need to peel myself off this bike when I get off,

Pleasing my feet on the footpegs as Mav turned the bike on, revving the engine a couple of times before looking over his shoulder at me,

"Remember to hold on."

"I do hold on. I'm not stupid."

I say back, placing my arms around his waist and holding onto his hips as I kept myself sitting upright, not wanting to lean on him too much, I know the right way, but I did not want to get too close to him after yesterday, But that's not what Mav has in mind. First, he placed his hands under my knees, pulling me close to him till there was almost no space between us, then he took hold of my hands, moving them around his front and placing them on his lower abdomen.

"Much better"

I don't know if he was saying that to himself or me, but I just placed my chin on his shoulder as he kicked up the sand doing the same as Goose speeding down the drive, making me hold onto him tighter, but instead of slowing down, Mav just kept up his high speed.

The ride to the Airport is not long, depending on what road you took. By the looks of it, Mav wanted to talk the scenic route, taking us down by the water as long as he could before needing to head off inland to the airport,

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