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klaus gasped upon opening the door to their room. "see? it's paradise. high ceilings, sense of space, aromatic."

"what the hell?" diego muttered. "where's the bathroom?"

"down the hall, or - " klaus approached one of the windows and opened it. " - nature's bathroom."

matilda chuckled with a tinge of revulsion. "gross. happens every time. i'll go check on the two."

she patted diego and luther on the shoulders and ruffled five's hair as he passed by with his coat jacket off, to which he cursed under his breath.

"hello, ladies. finding the room okay?" she questioned as she immediately found the couch and sat on it.

"well, it's alright," allison commented and vanya cleared her throat.

"it's not too small. it's definitely...ugly," she slowly said, glancing at matilda who now lied down on the couch with her feet resting on the table by the end of it.

"i'd take offense to it if i wasn't so overwhelmed by the events of just this hour."

"it works," allison concluded.

"no bathrooms in the suites, they're down the hall. kind of like how they are in college dorms," matilda explained.

allison turned to her, "are you gonna sleep here?"

"yes," matilda responded slowly, squinting her eyes. "unless you don't want me to, which would be a problem because - "

"no," she quickly stopped the ghost's rambling. "i was just curious."

matilda tilted her head to watch the two as allison eyed the pair of beds. "you can take the beds, i have no sense of physical comfort," she reassured.

"you sure?" allison asked as she and vanya approached the beds.

"yep," matilda responded, ending her statement by popping her lips.

she kept her eyes staring up at the ceiling as she heard the two lie down, vanya sighing in relief.

"last night, i was sleeping in my own bed next to my amazing husband," allison broke the silence.

"i kissed sissy goodbye a few hours ago," vanya added.

"i told ben i loved him just yesterday and..." matilda trailed off, not knowing what else there was to say.

vanya hummed and added, "give or take fifty years."

matilda let out a small noise of laughter while allison turned her head on her pillow to look at vanya. "i'm glad you finally found somebody that treated you right."

"she saw me for who i really am. i'm not ready to give that up."

"i feel the same about ray." allison paused, sighing. "we better not have left them just to die in some superhero turf war."

"you need to go home - hug your daughter," vanya said.

"we'll be right here," matilda reassured.

allison was silent again before she sat up on her bed. "what if diego's right and the sparrows attack?"

"we fought the entire commission. i mean, we can handle, what, eight jerks in uniforms?" vanya said, as if to assure.

"seven, one of them is a cube," matilda corrected.

"they just caught us off guard," vanya reasoned.

"yeah. we'll do better next time." matilda sat up from the couch, turning and placing her legs over its small arm rest as she faced the two. "don't forget that you had your fair share of crime fighting in another timeline. we can handle them."

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