Chapter 10

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Roc headed to the living room to find whatever he could. Anything that would make the process quick, he got nothing. He looked in the kitchen and saw all the knives in the drying rack, he began to pick it up but instead he backed away. It wasn't quick enough for him, he needed poison. Like the kind of poison Romeo had when he found Juliet on her death bed, but who the hell would give him that? He gave up, nothing could take the pain away. Then he got an idea, it wouldn't kill him but it would sure help. And there was only one person to get him what he needed.



The Xbox became boring, Twitter wasn't jumping, Facebook was old news, Tumblr...What was the point of that shit? Prodigy was bored, everything he could do just wasn't exciting enough and he lost all of his girls. There was no party going on and he didn't have class today, so he broke out the good stuff. He had been using so much he had less crack in the bag than this morning, but he was too hype to get his hands (Or nose.) on that pixie dust. He layed a long trail across a book he had, got a razor to split it up a few times, got the pipe out, and took a long snort of the first section. He was in heaven, no worries slipped to his mind just like he wanted it to be. Thank you Chad! he thought, he was going to put the rest back in the bag but instead he took another section. More heaven, at that moment he had the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other.

Part of him was saying, Stop it Prod, you look pathetic. All this for a girl? But part of him said, No worries remember? No problems, no sadness, you're not doing anything wrong out in public anymore so Ray doesn't have to breathe down your neck. That sounded good to Prodigy, No worries. No worries. No worries. With a smile on his face, he grabbed the pipe once more and said, "Hakunna Matata!", and took in another section. He was in such a high daze he didn't even know Roc was in the door way with a terrified expression. "Prod?" he asked, Prodigy looked up and saw Roc, Shit he thought. "What are you doing?" Roc continued as he stepped inside. "Roc, go away and forget what you just saw." Prodigy demanded, but Roc didn't listen. "Does it hurt when you sniff it?" he asked, "Roc just go away! Why are you even here?"

"I was going to ask you if you had any beer or any type of liquor for that matter."

"For what?"

"I'm stressed out."

"Join the club."

   Roc eyeballed the pipe in Prodigy's hand, "Can I have some?" he asked. Prodigy looked up at him dumbfounded, "Hell no!" he replied.

"Why not?"

" 'Cause it's bad for you."

"Then why are you doing it?"

"Because I'm stupid okay? It was a mistake and I don't want you to make the same one. No beer, no drugs, understand?"


"Do you understand?"

Roc shook his head sadly, even wild child Prodigy wanted him to suffer. He was about to leave until Prodigy called out to him, "Yeah?" Roc responed. "Keep this between you and me," Prodigy said, "Okay?" Roc hesitated, this was serious. People could die doing these things, but then again he just tried to kill himself. So without question he turned to Prodigy and said, "Okay."


"Can you spend the night?" Princeton asked, "I need a friend."

"I got class tomorrow," she replied, Princeton looked at her with the "bitch-are-you-stupid" look. Zoe got the message and said, "Oh... yeah."

"Uh, yeah! Now come on, I'll drive you to go get your clothes."

Once they came back to the house, they ate pizza, played games like they were five years old, and rehearsed for class while Roc sat and watched in heartbreak.

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