Chapter 26

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Princeton and Zoe were staring each other down across the table at McDonalds, "Prince," said Zoe through clenched teeth, "Eat it!"

"I told you," said Princeton, "I'm full,"

"How do I know that?"

"You don't. That's why I'm telling you I'm full!"

Zoe stares at him harder as Princeton pushes the box away from him, "Prince," she continued, "If you don't eat the rest of that burger, I swear to God, I will shove it down your throat,"

"Well if you want it to be eaten so bad, why don't you eat it?"

"Because I'm a vegetarian. You know that!"

"And now you know that I'm full,"

"I also know that, my bestfriend was just in the hospital for lack of nutrition,"

Princeton sighed, "If I eat it and get sick I will purposely throw up on you,"

"And I will allow you to do so as long as I know you've eaten. Now eat it,"

Princeton picked up the Big Mac in his hands and studied it. Zoe had made him eat two of these monsters with two large french fries within one hour. This was his third burger and he felt like he was going to bust open. I just had to get sick, he told himself, I just had to! He took the biggest bite out of it and slowly swallowed feeling his stomach slowly grow bigger. Zoe sat back with her arms crossed as she looked victoriously at Princeton. On the last swallow he looked at Zoe and said, "God, I hate you so much!"

Zoe laughed, "I love you too,"


 Ray and Nicki walked to the front desk of the recovery unit to sign in, "Stay right here, Nicki," he said. She nodded in response as she held her book bag in her hand. Ray finished signing them in and the lady at the front desk motioned them to the rooms. Walking down the hallway, Ray looked at his daughter and asked, "Why don't you carry your book bag on your back?"

"Because," she said, "If it's on my back how will everyone see it?"

"Yep," Ray laughed, "You are my daughter,"

"Of course I am, daddy. Who's else would I be?"

He smiled at her, "Where is room 305?"

When they reached the room, Nicki asked, "Is this it?"

"Yeah," Ray replied, "You wanna go see mommy?"

She nodded in approval. They went inside to see La'Shay's body in a hospital bed with a few scars on her face. Seeing her body motionless made goosebumps pop up on Ray's skin. He slowly walked Nicki over to her bed trying to be strong for her. "Is Mommy sleeping?"

Trying to hold down the lump in his throat, Ray replies, "Yeah. But you can still talk to her, she can hear you in her sleep,"

Slowly but cautiously Nicki walks towards her mother's bed. She stares for a moment, studying her mother's face and the way she is laying limp on the bed. "Mommy?" she asks slowly, "Can you hear me?It's me, Nicki. I hope you wake up soon so you can stay with me and Daddy! Daddy doesn't have to leave all the time anymore! We can get our own house together!"

She stared for a moment expecting La'Shay to magically respond. "Mommy. I met my uncles the other day, they're really nice. And you know what else? I drew you a picture. It's at home though, but I'll describe it. It has you and me and daddy in a big house and a dog. We live really close to the beach so there's a shore in the background. Doesn't that sound great mommy?"

Still she had no answer. Ray came up to her and ran his fingers through her black hair. "La'Shay," he began, "Hey babe. You know our daughter has more swag than me? I mean like really! I'm surprised she's not getting into fights." He paused for a second to pinch Nicki's cheeks. She giggled as Ray smiled back at her. He looked at La'Shay's face again examining her hair and face. He wished that the car accident never happened so she didn't have to look like that, he tried to hold back his tears but one managed to trickle down his cheek. Before it could touch his jaw line tiny fingers wiped it away, he looked at Nicki who was a few feet away from his face, "It's okay, daddy. She'll wake up soon,"

A smile grew across his face, "Come here," he said as he embraced her in a hug. "You're right, Nicki. She'll wake up soon. We just have to keep praying."

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