Chapter 22

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"Oh no!" said Bella as she ran out of the room, Prodigy was still looking out the window when he felt all the eyes in the room fall on him. "What?" he exclaimed, "Aren't you going to go talk to her?" asked Roc.

"She'll be fine!" he replied, "Its one of those emotional pregnacey things,"

"Well don't you want to go check?"

"Ugh! Do I have to?"

"YES!" They all said in unison.

"Fine!" he said exiting the room. "Bella!" he called as he was in the hallway, "Bella!"

He went into his room and heard weeping sounds come from his bathroom, "Bella," he said as he knocked on the door, "Bella whats wrong?"

"This!" she replied, "This is all wrong!"

"What is?"

"They're taking pictures and I'm not ready!"

Prodigy sighed, "Is that what you're crying about? Bella, they probably didn't even see you!"

"But what if they did?"

"Okay, even if they did you don't look bad,"

"I don't look bad? I don't look bad? I'm in freaking sweat pants, a t-shirt, and my hair is terrible and you're saying I don't look bad?"

"You're beautiful Bella, don't you get that? What's wrong with y-"

Prodigy stopped for a moment, he knew what was wrong. She was insecure. That explained everything, the make-up, the clothes, the time it takes her to get ready. She thinks she's ugly. "Bella," he continued, "Please come out sweetie,"

"I'm not leaving until the cameras are gone!" she exclaimed.

"Well sweetie that's going to be a long time, you have to face your fears,"

"Did you ever face your fears?"

Prodigy slumped his head down against the bathroom door, "No," he responded, "No, I haven't. I'm not as strong as you think Bella, I'll admit that, but this.... this is something you have to be strong about. This type of stuff is bound to happen, and we have to work through this,"

"But I can't," she wimpered. Prodigy thought for a moment, how could he get her to be more confident. Then it dawned on him, "Look, if you try to be more confident then I will too."

"How do I do that?"

"If you give up at least one beauty routine I'll..." Prodigy took a long breathe, "I'll give up one of my routines. Sound like a deal?"

She sniffled a few times and then it was quiet, suddenly Prodigy heard water running. It was running for a long time, "Bell?" he called out, "Bella, you okay?" The water stopped, then Bella unlocked the door and opened it slowly. Prodigy watched as she lifted her head up just as slow as she opened the door and revealed her face. She had no make up on. Prodigy didn't even know she was wearing make-up, no one in the house did. He looked at her and finally noticed her facial features instead of her usual "video-vixen" look. She was beautiful, she looked more natural now. "So?" she said, "How do I look?" Prodigy looked her over one more time, "You look great," he replied.

"You don't think I look... weird?"

"No. Never. You look amazing! I like this look,"



She then smiled and bear hugged Prodigy. He embraced her hug, realizing it was a long time since he'd been this vulnerable. Then he remembered why he started using crack. Then he remembered the promise he made to Bella. How was he going to stop using crack?


Tears ran down Princeton's face while he held the phone in his hand, his fingers hovered over the number pad on his phone wanting to dial the familiar number but, at the same time, not wanting to. This can't be happening, he thought. He took in a deep breathe and looked at his bedroom walls as if asking them to give him an answer, he finally dialed the number and put the phone to his ear. He listened as it rang, his heart beat faster and his eyes made more tears. He layed on the bed trying to make the tears go away, It has to be done, he told himself repeatedly. The phone rang for the fourth time, by now he thought that maybe they wouldn't answer and he wouldn't have to do this. Suddenly he picked up the phone, "Hello?" Jacob answered. "Hey," Princeton replied silently so sadness wasn't evident in his voice.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"Nothing. Just needed to talk to you,"

"Oh yeah, about the Ray's daughter thing? Saw it on twitter today. Must be a lot for you to take in,"

"Yeah, it is,"

"Well, on the bright side you're an uncle now!"

"Yeah, but on the down side we probably won't get any privacy now,"

"Yeah, that sucks,"

"I mean we never got that much privacy anyways but now its worse. And.... uh... its probably going to continue to get worse unless... we change a few things,"

"Really? Like what?"

Here was the moment, Princeton's throut got tight from trying to hold back the tears. This just had to be done, "Jacob," he said. "Yes babe?"

"I think maybe we should break up,"

The other line was scilent for a moment, Princeton's stomach went into a knot. This was the worst thing he's had to do, "For real?" asked Jacob in a raspy voice. "Just until things die down." he replied. There was scilence again, "Jacob, baby, look! I don't want it to be like this either, I love you more than anything in this world and you know that! I just can't risk this leaking to the media and then my family is really going to be in trouble. I'm sorry Jacob,"

Princeton thought he heard Jacob wimper so he didn't even bother staying on the phone, he hung up and layed his face in a pillow crying his eyes out until he had no more tears.

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