Chapter 25

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Ray and Roc sit in the waiting room of the E.R. trying to calm down their nerves. "Already," said Ray, "Already something has happened," Roc stayed silent. "Our family is falling apart Roc. Let's face it, this is just too much,"

"I know," said Roc.

"Sometimes I feel like we were born into the wrong life. You know?"

"Nah. We were born from the wrong parents,"

Ray nodded his head in agreement. There was a long pause between the two, they were both freaked out about what happened to Princeton and were just ready to get him out of the hospital. Suddenly they heard three voices weeping, turning the corner was Babydoll, Star, and Beauty. The three caught veiw of the boys and ran over to them, "Oh guys! Is he okay?" Babydoll asked Ray as she hugged him.

"We're not sure," said Roc, "They've been in there a long time. I'm getting nervous,"

After Babydoll got her hugs in the rest of the girls followed her lead. "He's going to be alright," said Beauty, "He's just gotta be,"

Then in rushed Zoe with a worried expression on her face and Jacob right behind her crying like crazy. "Where is he?!" exclaimed Jacob, "Where is he?!"

"Calm down Jacob," said Zoe trying to comfort him.

"No! No! I need to see him!"

"They won't let us in yet," said Ray about to cry himself.

Zoe lead Jacob to one of the chairs just as Prodigy and Bella came in, "Damn! I leave for a second and shit happens?" said Prodigy.

"Where did you go?" asked Ray.

Prodigy thought fast, "I just went out for a walk, I needed some air. Now what just happened?"

"I don't know," said Ray, "I was just about to ask Roc,"

Roc looked down at the floor as everyone looked at him for an answer, "Well," he began, "I don't really know. All I know is that I was working out in the gym and I had my earbuds in. I felt a giant thud so I stopped, sat up, and saw Princeton was laying on the ground,"

"Oh God..." said Jacob as he weeped some more and Zonnique followed after him.

Zoe craddled him as he continued crying, she whispered something to him and looked at Roc, "What did 911 say?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" replied Roc.

"Usually they tell you what to do while you wait for the ambulance to show up. Sometimes to help the situation and to make the caller more calm until help arrives,"

"Oh, they didn't tell me any of that. They just told me to stay on the phone until they arrived,"

Zoe shook her head while still holding the distraught Jacob, "I really hope it's not serious," she said.

"It's just crazy!" exclaimed Zonnique in tears, "How did this happen?"

"All these bad things keep happening to good people," said Bahja.

Yeah fucking right, thought Roc.

"Maybe it was something he ate," said Ray, "He should be okay,"

"This don't make sense," said Breaunna, "You sure you have no clue what happened, Roc?"

"I'm sure, promise,"

"Maybe we should all calm down," said Zoe, "We just have to pray and wait,"

They waited for thirty-five minutes in the waiting room, people tried to sneak pictures, ask for autographs and see what happened to Princeton. Everyone was so distraught about him that they actually zoned all of that out, everyone was waiting for conformation that Princeton was alright so none of that mattered. Just then the doctor came out and everyone got up out of their seats, "Smith?" he asked Roc. He replied with a simple, "Yes,"

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