Chapter 18

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Jacob woke up at eight twenty-five in Princeton's bed, his head was laying on Princeton's soft curly wild mane. His bare chest on Princeton's back and his arms wrapped around his mid section, he sat up a little bit to look at his lover's face. He pushed back some of the hair that was blocking his view and smiled, he was beautiful. He looked like an angel with his soft skin and naturally arched eyebrows, and not to mention his full lips. Jacob could look at his face forever, but he couldn't. At least not at this moment. They've been keeping their relationship a secret for two years and have done a very good job of it, if this information got into the wrong hands it would destroy the both of them. Jacob didn't care though, he would give up his whole life for Princeton just to see him happy, he wanted Princeton to have the best.

After all his parents do seem like they could care less about their children so Princeton needed that kind of love, he needed someone who could sacrifice everything and give him the attention and love he deserves. And that's what Princeton wants, all he wants is for his parents to be proud of him and love him unconditionally, that's why he's such a good boy and stresses himself out because he doesn't want his parents to be mad at him for destroying the family's reputation in Hollywood. Jacob understood that, and all he wanted was for his Furbutt to be happy. So he took one last look at Princeton, unraveled his arms from his body, wrote a note, grabbed his shirt, and tiptoed to his guest room. After about ten minutes Princeton woke up, he looked over at the side where Jacob was sleeping hoping he would still be there. He knew he wouldn't but he still looked at the empty spot on the bed with sadness. Then he saw a piece of folded paper on the pillow, he opened it and saw it was from Jacob. It said:

                            Meet me at the park at six, you know the place. I love you!


The frown on Princeton's face was gone and was replaced by the blush on his cheeks. He looked at the note one more time and said quietly, "I love you, too."

*Later On*

With everyone gone out of the house, and the rest of the boys gone to separate parts of the house, Prodigy went to his room to get his fix only to find Bella laying in his bed. He forgot she was here, "Hey," she said, "Hey," he replied. They stayed silent for a moment, all they did was look at each other waiting for one of them to speak. Finally Bella spoke up, "Prodigy?" she asked. "Yes sweetie?"

"Do you love me?"

Prodigy was taken aback by this, last time he fell in love he got his heart broken. Ever since then he was never in love, he was just a player. So of course he didn't love her, and to put the icing on the cake she was stupid! Yeah she was gorgeous but believe it or not Prodigy cares about more than just looks. He looked her in her eyes and thought about last night, she was crying because she thought she didn't look good enough when truly she was beautiful. He couldn't tell a girl with low self esteem that he didn't love her, especially since she may or may not be carrying his baby. He just didn't understand what to do at this moment, love was a serious word. So he simply just said, "You know I care about you," It worked. She smiled and Prodigy smiled a fake smile right back, "Sweetie," he asked, "Do you mind going to check the mail? I think Princeton forgot,"

"Sure," she said. On her way out she gave him a kiss on the cheek. He immediately closed the door, ran to his drawer and took out the crack. His face grew with sadness and worry, he didn't have that much left. He would buy some more but then he wouldn't have enough money for anything else, his parents only said he could take out a certain amount of money each month and they could tell when he took out more than he was suppose to. The bank would call them and tell them. So what was Prodigy to do at a time like this? He split up all the crack he had left and snorted it all, he decided he was going to wait till next month to buy some more. I can wait till then, right?, he thought to himself. 

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