Chapter 7

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"Well yeah, I can understand that." Zoe said as their conversation continued, "But it's apart of being the offspring of famous parents,"

"And the millions of classes they have us going to?"

"They're probably just doing all of this for the good of you guys."

Ray shook his head, "No Zoe. You're not even close." He sat there for a moment in silence, he knew Zoe was to nice of a person to fully understand what he was talking about so he got up and went to the book shelf. Pulling out a small photo album, he started to flip through the pages, once he found the page he needed he walked over to Zoe and handed her the album. "Look familiar?" he asked, she scoped the picture long and hard. All she saw was there mom and dad with all the boys on there laps. Ray and Prod on their mom, and Princeton and Roc on there dad. Nothing abnormal, "What's wrong?" she asked. Noticing that she obviously didn't remember, Ray sat down and told her the story. "Okay," he began taking the book from her, he held up the picture book and continued.

"A long time ago, say 1996, Mom and Dad were pregnant with not one, not two, but four boys! On December 26 the boys were suppose to be born, but only one came out. They named that boy Prodigy Craig Smith. The doctors thought that the other three children would not make it, but they were wrong. January 6, 1997. Mom went into labor again and gave birth to the beautiful Rayshaun Terrance Smith, a.k.a. Ray. The other two stayed, this time the doctors were positive she wouldn't make it. No one has ever been pregnate that long. April 21, 1997. Mom went into labor once more and out popped Princeton Alexander Smith. On July 23,1997 the doctors were going to remove the last baby but on that day the baby came out and was named Roc Royal Smith."

Ray turned the page in the album, "And that's how we became The Queer Quadruplets." The page he flipped to showed a segment from a magazine with their mom and dad and all four babies in their car seats. "Oh yeah I remember that!" Zoe said as she took the book, "I forgot about this, you guys were every where! How did I not know it was you guys?" Zoe looked at the magazine some more and saw the writer wrote, "These adorable quadruplets from Philly are FINALLY here!"

"Oh wait," Zoe began to say, "This is wrong it says you guys are from Philly."

"It's not wrong."

Zoe looked up from the book looking at Ray confused, "You wanna know the real story?" he asked.

"What real story?"she asked. Ray got up and began to pace, "You know local fame doesn't stick around for a very long time. But our parents weren't going for it, once Prod turned about two or three we moved here to L.A. Dad sung at night clubs, auditoned all the time for everything, he worked hard to get famous. Worked so hard to the point that he wasn't even around a lot, same with Ma. Going here and there trying hard to get an acting gig, we barely knew how to be kids. I remember sitting back stage at a night club with Ma and all of us would just look at the place we were in, wondering why we were there. We would try to explore and she'd be all like, 'Don't leave this spot!' 'Don't touch that!' 'Sit here!' 'Be quiet!' We would be bored out of our minds and we'd fall asleep on those ragidy couches they had. Finally they got famous and had enough money to get us nannies so they could be out more, then once they started blowing up as celebrity couple of the decade they moved our school and made us take classes once they saw how talented we were."

Taking a break from talking he smiled to himself. "I actually miss those days when we lived in that small apartment," he says, "Atleast my parents were around at that time,"

Zoe was letting it all sink in, no wonder the boys were like robots. They weren't raised they were trained, they truely didn't have a family. They didn't really have a childhood.


   Princeton and his baby were talking for about fifteen minutes now, they were so into each other they didn't want to get off the phone with each other. "I swear," said Princeton, "When I see you I'm just gonna kiss you so much! You might have an asthma attack,"

"I don't have asthma,"

"I know,"

"Well," they said, "I might take you up on that offer... If I don't kiss you first!"

"I love you."

"Aww, I love me too!"

"You're crazy."

A voice is heard in the background on the other end, "Hey, I gotta go practice for the tour tonight okay?"

"Okay, I can't wait to see you!"

"Same here, I love you Furbutt.

"I love you too Booni."



Again Princeton was on cloud nine, he was so much closer to seeing his baby and letting all his feelings go. Nothing could go wrong! He was about to go downstairs but when he opened the door he found Roc in his door way, "Roc, what's up?" Roc looked at Princeton up and down with a straight face, "So who is it?" he asked. "Who is who?"

"The one you can't wait to kiss."

Oh no. Princeton thought, "How much did you hear?"

"The part when you said 'When I see you I'm just gonna kiss you so much!' and at first I thought you were talking to Zoe, but I heard Zoe downstairs. So I listened to the rest of the conversation. Good thing you didn't have it on speaker cause then I would have listened to the whole thing."

Princeton stood silent, shooken up a little bit. "You know," Roc said, "Zoe doesn't deserve that."

"What? What does this have to do with Zoe?" But Roc left before he could say the whole thing. Good thing I didn't have it on speaker! But what is he talking about? Why did he give me the eye this morning? So many questions were spinning through his head, he was about to go to the second floor balcony to get some air when he walked past Prodigy's room. His door was wide open, his door is never open unless he goes some where in the house. Princeton went out to the garage,past Zoe and Ray, and saw that Ray's car was gone. On his way back to the living room he saw Roc in the gym, "Guys," he said to Ray and Zoe, "Prod is gone and so is your car."

"What?!" Ray exclaimed.

Now a new question was in Princeton's head, Where is Prodigy?

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