Chapter 24

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Chad was laughing at the sight of Prodigy, "Damn nigga," he said, "Didn't you jus' tell me you wasn't addicted to this shit? Now you come up in here shakin' and shit wit some crazy shit on?" Chad laughed some more. Prodigy shifted his weight from one leg to the other, "Okay, okay I might be a little hooked just- Please. Just give me a little bit," Chad shook his head and took a puff out of the blunt in his mouth, "You got the money?" he said through the smoke. "I don't have it right now, I left my stuff at my house. I'll pay you back though!"

"Nah nigga, I need more conformation than that."

"Like what?!" shouted Prodigy.

"Hey hey hey! Calm yo ass! Now let me think,"

As Chad thought about what he could do, Prodigy was fidgeting. He needed his fix now and it seemed like Chad was taking years to make up his mind. Finally Chad took a drag and said, "Why don't we make a deal," Prodigy was ready, he didn't care what it took he just needed his drug. "How's this," Chad continued, "You have until the end of the week to give me my money or I make you hit these streets,"

"Fine! I'll take it!" said Prodigy.

"Woah slow down nigga! I ain't even said what I was gonna make you do!"

Prodigy was shaking more now, he was tired of waiting, "What I got to do?" he asked.

"I want you to sell my 'products' to the people that need them,"

Me? Sell drugs? Prodigy thought, but then he remembered he had until friday to cough up the cash. He was Prodigy Smith damn it! He could have it in today. "Okay," Prodigy said. Chad took one more smoke, "You sure?" he asked.


Chad laughed at how Prodigy was acting, he went to the back to get what he needed.

Once Prodigy got out into the hall, he took no time taking the crack out and sniffing it out the palm of his hand. He was now back to his happy place. He put the bag back into his pocket and headed to the car. He turned it on and the date flashed on the radio. "Oh shit!" he said out loud. The radio read Wednesday, You got until the end of the week. Chad's voice rang through his mind. Prodigy had to get that money, and fast!


Princeton was feeling weak. It's just heartbreak, he says to himself, That's all it is. He goes into the gym where Roc is, he doesn't know why he goes in there but he had a gut feeling that he should. As he walks in he feels himself stumble a bit and holds himself up on the door frame. Roc is unaware of this as he continues to work out listening to his earbuds. Princeton starts to see double and feels a tiny bit woozy as he supports himself on the door frame. "Roc," he says not knowing he cannot hear him. "Roc," he repeats. Roc is still pumping iron as Princeton starts to feel weaker. "Roc, I need to..." Princeton tried to talk but got even dizzier, "I need... Roc... get... me..."

Princeton collapses on the ground. The thud of his fall is so loud Roc hears and feels the fall, he stops what he's doing and looks up from the bench. He looks on the floor and sees his brother laying there. He snatches out his earbuds, "Prince?" he says trying to stay calm, "Prince?"

Roc is confused on what he should do, he's never been in this situation before. He grabs his phone to dial 911 but he has an evil thought. He took Zoe away from me. He cheated on her. He made her hate me. Why should I help him? He almost went through with the plan but soon had his brotherly instinct back. He's my brother. He cares about me more than anyone else does. He tried to talk to me even though I couldn't stand him. He never gave up on me. He had a battle between himself. Leave him. Don't leave him. Leave him. Don't leave him. Yes? No? Maybe? But why? Just because he's your brother?

Roc sat trying to think for five minutes while Princeton layed on the floor. He came to a conclusion, "Hello? 911 What's your emergency?" said the operator.

"Help me. My brother collapsed on the floor and I'm not sure why. Please help me!"

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